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Henri Fayol's Four Functions of Management: POLC Model

Essay Instructions:

In this discussion, you will review Henri Fayol's revised management theory (POLC) and apply it to the management of the company where you work (I work for a telecommunications company) or to your ideal business. In addition, you will read about management functions and planning on page 175 of Chapter 6. (attached) Read about the POLC model based (attached) on Henri Fayol's theories. Whether you are a manager or a potential future manager, or an employee within an organization, you will benefit from better understanding and becoming competent in the four functions of management.

Respond to the following:

How does your company apply the four functions of management (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling)?

What evidence do you have that the company does planning (attached) and organizing?

What evidence is there that executives lead the organization? How does management control behavior and results in the organization?

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The POLC Model
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The POLC Model
Answer 1
I work for a telecommunication company that applies the four primary functions of management as illustrated by Henri Fayol’s management theory. They include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling (POLC) (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Planning entails identifying the company’s objectives and focusing on how to meet them. The firm I work for determines all resources that are required by stakeholders to achieve its vision and mission. For instance, my company budgets and buys equipment that supports employees in their daily activities. Besides, the telecommunication market is highly dynamic and a needs analysis must be done regularly.
Organizing refers to coordinating resources in a way that they can be used to accomplish the organization’s goals. My company emphasizes proper organizing since it believes that it is the only way to succeed in the telecommunication market. Without understanding all things that are required to provide quality products and services, it would be extremely challenging to meet customers’ requirements. In that light, my firm ensures that the information flows throughout the chain of command and that it reaches relevant stakeholders who in return prepare what is required.
Moreover, leading is another crucial aspect of the POLC model that my organization prioritizes. Indeed, it involves motivating workers in their daily activities so that they can meet the short and long-term goals (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Without accomplishing these objectives, a company cannot be headed in the right direction when it comes to achieving its strategic goals. My telecommunication company motivates its employees through job promotions, bonuses, commissions, gifts, and incentives. As a result, employees are focused on their duties and do not hesitate to ask for assistance from the respective departments when the need ar...
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