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Group Dynamics and Teams: Significant Team Experience

Essay Instructions:

Module 2: Case 2: Group Dynamics and Teams

We will continue our experiential approach to the study of Organizational Behavior by engaging in a personal applied case on the topic of group dynamics and teams. As in Module 1, use the following outline to structure your 4- to 6-page paper. You may use the subtitles as headings for your paper.

Introduction: Discuss the topic of the paper and how you will approach it. It is best to write this section after you have written the rest of the paper.

Concrete Experience: Begin with a specific situation/event. Describe an experience with a group or team that was meaningful to you. It may have been an extraordinarily good experience – or it may have been an experience that did not work out very well at all! The important point is that it should be an experience which you would like to understand better. Be objective and focus on just the facts: who, what, where, when, and how – as if you were composing a newspaper article.

Reflective Observation: Reflect upon that experience from multiple perspectives of persons involved or affected in the experience. Step back from the situation, look at the experience from your own viewpoint, and from the perspective of all other parties involved or affected. You want to look at the circumstances surrounding the experience from every relevant point of view. Why did you behave the way that you did? Why did others behave the way that they did? Did others have the same positive (or negative) experience? Explain. (Note: your discussion of theories and models from your module materials belongs in the following section.)

Abstract Conceptualization: (This Abstract Conceptualization section is the “heart” of your paper.) Use critical thinking skills to understand and interpret the experience at a deeper, more generalizable level. Interpret and understand the events you have described by drawing on the concepts, theories, and models in the background material from this module. Explain how they apply to your experience. For example, what behavior patterns can you identify in yourself and others that are similar to the ones described in the material on communication, teams, and conflict management? Does the model of Force Field Analysis (home page) help you better understand why people behaved the way they did? Be sure to apply at least three concepts, theories, and/or models and cite all references to concepts, ideas, and/or quotes that you use from any outside source.

Active Experimentation: Identify ways to respond to the next occurrence of a similar experience. What have you learned about the way groups work from this analysis? What have you learned from your mistakes? How are you going to put what you have learned to use? What actions will you take to build more effective work teams in your job?

Conclusion: Sum up the main points of your analysis and the key learning you are taking from it.

Reference List: List all references that you have cited in the paper using APA formatting. References include materials from the required background readings as well as any outside internet or library sources you used in researching and writing your paper. If you have APA questions, refer to the optional listings on the background page.

Assignment Expectations

Your Case paper will be evaluated using the criteria on the assignment rubric (see the rubric for more detail): Assignment-Driven, Critical Thinking, Business Writing, Effective Use of Information, Citing Sources, and Timeliness.

4-6 pages Double spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Group Dynamics and Teams
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Group Dynamics and Teams
Effective teams achieve the set objectives since members are united to achieve common goals. After working in a team, I have realized that making proper decisions determines how members collaborate when engaging in their duties. In this paper, I will share a significant team experience, which I think might challenge or educate others. The various sections of my paper are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, and conclusion. When building effective teams, numerous factors should be considered, including effective communication, members’ task allocation, conflict management skills, and members’ participation in decision-making.
Concrete Experience
Teams work effectively when all members work harmoniously and are focused on meeting the established objectives and goals. In the course of this year, I experienced an extraordinary situation while working in a group at the workplace. Our team is among the best in the workplace and it is democratic where all members are allowed to participate equally and share their opinions and views. After being assigned a project, my team usually subdivided the task and assigned every member his or her activity. However, this time, some members said that the team should handle the project together without allocating certain activities to specific members. They said that when members are assigned specific duties, some of them struggle to complete them and cannot ask since others are busy performing their activities to finish on time. However, there have never been complaints of members not completing their tasks, apart from one incident where a member failed to attend the group meeting and did not submit his work. When this issue was raised, the team member asked members to vote so that they can identify the most appropriate strategy to use in handling the project at hand. However, an equal number of votes from the proponents and opponents were cast, meaning that the team had to practice both methods. The project was subdivided into two. Those who voted that members should handle the task together were assigned one part and the others who preferred every member to be assigned his or her part was given the other part so that they can further subdivide their tasks among themselves.
Reflective Observation
I have never experienced such a situation before and to me, it was interesting since it’s like the team became split into two. From my viewpoint, I thought that subdividing the project was the most significant strategy since every member was assigned his or her activities to pursue. The only issue with this approach is that members were much preoccupied with completing their parts such that they did not realize those who struggled to complete their activities successfully. From the group leader’s perspective, he wanted members to be satisfied since our team was democratic and everything was discussed among individuals, including making decisions together. From the viewpoint of members who wanted the project to be done by the entire team, they thought that individuals will contribute equally and work together to complete the project successfully and get impressive outcomes. From the perspectives of those who supported the traditional method, they might have thought that it was effective since every member participate in group activities equally. Besides, members have the freedom to consult others when they encounter obstacles. I supported the project subdivision and task allocation model since it always works effectively. All members contribute to project completion equally by completing their assigned duties. From a team’s outsider viewpoint, I think members behaved in the right way for raising the issue and solving it democratically. All members behaved in the way they did since they thought it was the best for the success of the project. As such, those who shared their experiences supported one side.
Abstract Conceptualization
Every team member has the right to exercise freedom of expression by participating in all group activities, including making proper decisions on how the tasks should be completed. In my team’s scenario, allowing memb...
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