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Grammatical Rules and APA Format Management Essay Paper

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• Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Grammar Assessment. Baltimore: Author.

For this Assignment, take the Grammar and APA Assessment in this week’s Learning Resources. Review correct grammar use and APA formatting to identify challenge you face in applying correct grammatical rules and APA formatting in your writing.

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Grammatical rules and APA format





Writing correctly is important for any student and professionals, and good writing helps generate a good impression. The writing skill is learned, and the writer needs to understand the different grammatical rules to express themselves correctly and the use of different in-text citation and reference style. When using direct quotes, this must be credited, and other material paraphrased, especially, the information that is not well known (Johnson et al., 2014). Grammatical rules on the use of apostrophes and commas, avoiding sentence fragments, using proper punctuation and proper APA formatting are issues prioritized to improve my writing.

The use of apostrophes and commas is part of the correct grammar usage, yet sometimes I make mistakes in writing. One of the ways to address this has to been to reread and revise the drafts and if there is a high frequency of errors I learn more about correcting them. The spell checker options do not always show when there are missing or misused apostrophes and commas, highlighting the need to be more careful when revising and proofreading the text (McDonald et al., 2016). For instance, in the possessive form, the ’s is singular while the s’ is plural and in the possessive form.

Avoiding sentence fragments and proper punctuation is necessary to improve the writing sentences ought to have a subject as a noun and verb as the action, while the sentences should not have many parts that can stand as their sentences. The fragments can be identified when there is a separate dependent clause in a sentence unlike a complete sentence with a subject and a verb (Hacker & Sommers, 2016). Since I realized that I sometimes write sentence fragments

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