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Goal Setting and Optimizing Employee Performance

Essay Instructions:

Assignment Overview

Type: Individual Project

Unit: Optimizing Employee Performance

Due Date: Sun,10/16/22

Grading Type: Numeric

Points Possible: 150

Points Earned: Points Earnednot available

Deliverable Length: 500-600 words

Key Assignment

Part 1

Matrix is interested in how performance management systems are designed effectively and how they adhere to legal requirements. Your supervisor Annalise has asked you to prepare a two-part executive report for the VP of HR that demonstrates some key factors to consider when designing a performance management system.

In Part 1 of the report due this week, Annalise has asked you to write 500-600 words that address the following questions about designing a performance management system:

What is the importance of goal-setting when designing a performance management system?

What is the role of a job description when designing a performance management system?

How does performance management encourage employee development?

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Optimizing Employee Performance
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Optimizing Employee Performance
Goal setting is essential when designing a performance management system. Goal setting is the process of outlining the objectives that should be achieved over a specified period of time. This process is important as it sets the criteria that will be used to evaluate the performance of an employee. Additionally, this process is important as it ensures that the goals are set to align with the organization's objectives and vision. Further, goal-setting provides clarity to the employee concerning the deliverables that are expected of them. Extensive research has revealed that goal-setting in performance management systems accelerates the attainment of an organization's objectives (Helmold & Samara, 2019). Goal-setting also helps in saving time and maximization of profits. Since each employee knows what is expected of them, they can focus on achieving their goals. The optimization that occurs enables the operations of the organization to flow swiftly, and profit targets are more likely to be reached or exceeded.
Job description plays various roles in the design of a performance management system. First, it documents the duties and responsibilities for each available position in a company. Consequently, interested applicants have a clear picture of the work they will perform if hired. Additionally, the job description also outlines the qualifications needed for each position. The qualifications may entail such factors as education and experience. The provision of qualifications is important in attracting fewer people who meet all or most of the qualifications. Through the provision of qualifications, the company/ organization increases the chances of attracting top talent. Additionally, this description often serves as the basis upon which the employee wil...
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