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Product Labels: Types, Federal Requirements, and Limitations

Essay Instructions:


This unit’s required unit resources focuses on the topic of product labeling. Significant information can be obtained from the labels of chemicals, pesticides, food, medication, skin products, and even shipping containers.

Develop a response using at least two credible references that address the following:

Identify and discuss the purpose of at least three different types of product labels.

Explain the federal requirements for product labeling.

Discuss at least two limitations of product labels and what can be done to address these limitations.

Discuss the purpose and requirements for shipped container and workplace labels.

Discuss possible implications of missing or incorrect label information.

The response should be at least two pages in length, not counting title and reference pages. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Product Labels
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Identify and discuss the purpose of at least 3 different types of product labels.There are three categories of labels, namely, brand label, grade label, and informative label. Brand labels contain the product's brand name and trademark or logo, i.e., L.G. Brand labels are essential in providing details about a product, reinforcing a brand, and passing across a particular message to its customers (Harbor, 2022). Informative labels offer detailed and specific information about products, such as the manufacturer’s name, manufacture and expiry dates, product usage information, and how to care for it. Grade labels describe the quality or level of the product based on its features by utilizing words, letters, or figures such as 1, 2, A, B, C, or Deluxe, continental, and prime (Harbor, 2022). 
Explain federal requirements for product labeling.
According to the Fair Packing and Labeling Act (1967), all consumer goods should bear a label that identifies the commodity they are selling, such as detergent or shampoo, to inform the consumers on what precisely they are purchasing. The second requirement is for the label to clearly outline the name and locality of the creator, packaging, and distributor of the product. The address ensures consumers are not deceived about the product's ingredients, size, pricing, and packaging, as all this can be verified through a visit. The Act also necessitates the amount of the content in metric, inch, and pound measures (FTC, 1967).
Discuss at least two limitations of product labels and what can be done to address these limitations.
Product labels may be misleading to people. Most food products label use words such as “natural flavor,” “natural spices,” “low fat,” or “low sugar” to present their products as healthy. However, these words avoid stating the specific ingredient or substitute ingredients, which may harm a consumer. For instance, a low-sugar beverage usually contains sugar substitutes, which may be more dangerous (Foodwatch, 2019). To avoid misleading information, businesses should be mandated to provi...
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