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Global Leaders

Essay Instructions:

Global Leaders

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 14 in your text and The Attributes of an Effective Global Leader (Links to an external site.) article.


Identifying and developing global leaders is a key concern for international companies. Compare and contrast the skills and context of the traditional, national manager with that of the international manager. Your original response to this discussion question should be a minimum of 200 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Global Leaders
Managing a national workforce differs greatly from managing a global workforce. A national manager primarily deals with issues within the national borders, while an international manager must address issues on a global scale. Therefore, it is clear that international managers deal with more complex issues compared to national managers. Mello (2019) noted that some of the issues an international manager ought to address include coordination of foreign currencies and compensation plans, clarification of taxation, and managing issues relating to foreign governments and groups. The complexity that comes with international management is immense and quite incomparable with what national managers deal with.
Furthermore, while a national manager may only have to manage one culture, an international manager oversees a workforce comprising people from different national and cultural backgrounds. Hofstede's cultural dimension shows how people from different nationalities differ in power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and position on ...
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