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Career Development: Continuing Professional Education

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to engage in a selected activity related to career development.

During the first half of this course, you selected and completed an option from the “Career Development Activities” list below. Now select and complete a different activity from the list. Write a paper (750-1,000 words) that includes the following:

An explanation of the career development activity that you participated in.

How the activity will influence your current or future career.

The paper may be written in first person voice and must be grammatically correct. At least two external sources should be cited in the paper. The paper must be written on an activity that has been completed during this current course.

Career Development Activities:

Go to a professional association meeting, such as a local chapter meeting of the Institute of Management Accountant (IMA), Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance (AFWA), or your state board of accountancy. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your career.

Utilize the resources provided through Career Connections to prepare for your job search. In your Student Portal, select "Student Resources" and then "Career Resources." Click on the link "Create Your Career Connections Profile." Contact an ACE counselor, prepare your resume, or create a personal statement. Write a paper that meets the criteria above and explains what you learned through this process and how it will influence your job search.

Go to a special event on campus that is related to accounting or business, such as "Meet the Firms" or "Road to the CPA." Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned from this event and how this will influence your career.

Find an Excel tutorial online, and complete the tutorial. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned by completing the tutorial and how this will help you in your career. Be sure to include the link to the specific tutorial that you complete, and if a certificate of completion is available, embed that in your paper.

If you have an activity that you plan to participate in that will enhance your career knowledge, you may ask the instructor if you may use this as a Career Preparation assignment opportunity.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Continuing Professional Education
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number
Professor's Name
Continuing Professional Education
Training programs and certificates are becoming more and more vital as we go into the future. In past decades, the employment sector has become more aggressive due to the present recession (Tovey, 2013). To maintain a competitive advantage and develop one's profession, individuals must constantly improve their abilities. The smartest commitment I could perhaps undertake in my career is to continue academic achievement. The world is an oyster when one acquires new skills and methods. As a result, occupational growth, I opted to view education as something that must not be considered to be "finalized." Many learning opportunities may be found outside of a classroom nowadays, making it easy to pursue education. Several pragmatic considerations of the reasons for further education and professional development that may pay off large for oneself are discussed in this article.
There are many ways to enhance oneself; for example, individuals diet well and work out to become fit, and athletes exercise and lift weights to gain muscle mass. If one wants to increase memory, one should get adequate rest and study new information on purpose (Sampson et al., 2011). As a result, professionals should ask themselves what they might do to progress and advance in particular fields of expertise. There is always a possibility for improvement, regardless of one's position as a senior executive or an entry-level individual on the front lines. As for the subsequent step, higher education provides one the gear to accomplish it. To advance one's career, many individuals revert to school. The content of this article will aim to persuade readers that further education would aid them to reach desired job goals, such as generating more income, succeeding in their current profession, or commencing in a new profession.  As a result, individuals are much more competent, both at their present work and in the general employment field. People with college degrees aged 25-32 make $17,000, perhaps, more every year than individuals with only a high school certificate, as per recent studies (Gleiman & Zacharakis, 2016). In order to remain contemporary and to improve the abilities, one needs to invest in their education. Advancing educational training means I maintain going further, whether I just commenced out in my profession or revisiting to expand on previous years of expertise.
In contemporary society, associate experts are not uncommon to find. As a job applicant, one is up against many other individuals with identical skills and experience. Technological evolution occurs at a blistering pace; in and out of favor, paradigms come and go quickly. ...
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