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Gaylord Palms Hotel's Organizational Culture and Characteristics

Essay Instructions:

in-depth analysis of an organization’s culture, and determine the extent to which the organization’s culture fits with the organization’s strategic choices. Begin by reading the following article:

Ford, R. C., Wilderom, C., & Caparella, J. (2008). Strategically crafting a customer-focused culture: An inductive case study. Journal of Strategy and Management, 1(2), 143-167. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Case Assignment

Using the article above, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you address the following:

Complete an in-depth, comprehensive analysis of the Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture and values, analyzing the ways in which the specific components of organizational culture and values assist – or impede – the success of the organization’s strategic choices.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7- page paper include the following:

* Using the Module 4 Background readings related to organizational culture, and after performing additional research in the library, explain how organizational culture at the Gaylord Palms Hotel:

* Creates meaning for its members;

* Establishes informal organizational controls; and

* Ensures (or alternatively, hinders) the success of Gaylord Palms’ strategic choices.

* Which of Gaylord Palms’ values are most salient, and how do these same values relate to the organization’s culture?

* What is required for an organization’s culture to be “effective”? Is Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture an “effective” culture? Why or why not? Be specific.

* What specific characteristics/elements of Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture do you believe are most significant relative to ensuring the success of Gaylord Palms’ strategic direction (e.g., symbols, artifacts, roles, etc.)? Why?

* Be sure to use a minimum of three (3) library sources in support of your answers!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Culture and Moral Compasses
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Different organizations have different and specific cultures that guide how they operate and function. A way of life for an organization that incorporates their practices and values is referred to as an organizational culture. Organizational cultures show all members of an organization how they will work as a team (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018). Organizational culture can be defined as a company’s identity. It makes different companies unique by portraying their special traits and elements. Organizational culture can be both effective and ineffective, depending on the outcome. An effective culture shows positive features and attributes that lead to massive big wins and improved results in the overall performance. On the other hand, an ineffective culture is exhaustive and draining and hinders the growth and improvement of a company (Warrick, 2017). Organizational cultures contribute to the performance of companies by first determining the rate of employee intake and retention. Approximately seventy-seven percent of workers consider a company’s culture before applying for a vacancy (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018). Additionally, half of the employees in an organization would walk out of their organization to a lower-paying company to seek an effective culture that makes them satisfied (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018). The essay will focus on Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture, how its values relate to the culture, the effectiveness of its culture, and its characteristics.
Gaylord Palms’ Organizational Culture
How the Organizational Culture Creates Meaning for its Members
Several things give people meaning. Some of these things include love, work, and suffering (Warrick, 2017). People are likely to derive the energy to push on from these three things. At Gaylord Palms Hotel, the organizational culture allows the members to hold celebrations to mark major events (Ford et al., 2008). Such events include staff birthdays, weddings, and promotions. The culture of celebrating the staff members and marking their life events as important and worthy creates a sense of love, inclusivity, and family bonds (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018). The love that is portrayed is one way of giving them meaning. Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture also creates meaning for its members by encouraging them to work. They do this by creating a conducive and flexible environment where the members can run their responsibilities without breaking their bones. Everyone who has been part and parcel of the team at Gaylord Palms hotel can attest that the hotel provides the best working environment that is fully equipped and safe. Through work, the members are able to attain both short and long-term objectives, leading them to gain satisfaction and a sense of value (Ford et al., 2008). Therefore, work helps them to create meaning for the members.
How the Organizational Culture Establishes Informal Organizational Controls
There are two types of organizational controls. One is the informal organizational controls, while the other is the formal organizational control. The informal organizational controls function by engaging people in decision-making processes in the organization. On the other hand, formal organizational control functions by designating certain people to make decisions on behalf of the organization (Elsbach & Stigliani, 2018). Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture establishes informal organizational controls by maximizing customer experiences (Ford et al., 2008). The employees are mentored on how they can improve customer service and prioritize the needs of their customers above everything else. Customer feedback is highly valued. Secondly, Gaylord Palms’ organizational culture establishes informal organizational controls by hiring highly passionate and dedicated people to their work. The hotel focuses on hiring the best of the best through the tens notion. The tens concept entails hiring one out of ten applicants with great zeal and drive to serve. The ten then employ other tens, who would direct other tens (Ford et al., 2008). The process ensures that only the best secure a place in the organization. By doing so, all hired employees experience the sense of being part of a special and unique group of employees whose thoughts and expertise matter. These people are willing and set to be committed to the values and culture of the organization (Ford et al., 2008). They, therefore, do not require constant reminders and supervision from the seniors.
Gaylord Palms’ Culture and Strategic Choices
The culture at Gaylord Palms’ ensures success in several ways. The first way is by unconditionally supporting its employees. The leaders go out of their way to ensure that all organization members feel important and supported. They do this by recognizing the employees’ major events and providing prompt responses to any suggestion or recommendation on improving the workplace (Ford et al., 2008). The service given to customers is therefore of high quality, which has seen the growth and improvement of the organization over the years. The second way the organization ensures the success of its strategic choices is by creating a ground where the employees can interact and intermingle. The strategy can ...
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