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Formulating Leadership Part I: Millennial Leaders

Essay Instructions:

Your company's Vice President of Human Resources has approached your team for assistance in recruiting and developing your organization's future leaders. 60% of your company consists of millennials, and your team has been charged with how to successfully increase the number of millennials as leaders in your organization. At this time, senior management is reluctant and uninformed as to how they should promote the millennials as leaders. This first step is to create a plan.

525- to 700-word summary in which you:

Examine the best practices that your team can cultivate to enhance the number of millennial leaders.

Explain how you would present this information to senior managers in your organization.

Cite a minimum of two references

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Formulating Leadership Part 1 Name Institution Formulating Leadership Part 1 To enhance the number of millennial leaders, the team would encourage millennials to improve their technical skills and experience. According to Fries (2017), millennials are confidence about their softer skills such as reaching out to people through social media. However, the team can also show millennials how to learn hard skills and obtain technical expertise that is required in leadership. For this reason, the team would ensure that the millennials deal with situations that challenge their skills, as well as perceptions. For example, this is achievable by giving them leadership roles in smaller projects that would allow them to make decisions and interact with upper management so that they can empower themselves (Fries, 2017). Another way is to enhance communication and transparency. In essence, millennials excel in environment where communication and transparency are prioritized (Fries, 2017). The team would promote open communication in all layers of management would help build leadership skills. For example, millennials need to have a deeper engagement and communication with both the younger and older employees in the workplace (Fries, 2017). Once open communication is achieved, the team would also ensure that regular feedback is offered. Millennials work better when they receive feedback because it helps them change and grow (Fries, 2017). In most cases, millennials want to be recognized for their work and so giving them feedback where they are doing well and where they need to improve helps mold them as leaders. This is because it helps them build skills and habits that are essential in leadership. Further, another way to build leadership traits in millennials is to give them freedom but also ensure that they are accountable. For example, millennials desire work-life balance and they also want to work in ways that they feel that t...
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