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Project Communication: Introducing Computers Into The Organization

Essay Instructions:

Prepare and post a 2-page paper describing the following:

Brief overview of the project

What type of communication network was used?

What characteristics made it this type of network?

What was effective/ineffective?

If there was an alternative communication network that would have been more effective, describe which one and why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Project Communication Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Project Communication Project Overview Recently I was involved in the organization and implementation of introducing computers into our organization. This was a major project for our organization. We have never integrated technology into our organization, everything was manual and only the top management were using computers, so we felt this could be important in improving our products and service delivery to our customers. The project took a considerable amount of planning and organization not only from my part, but also from other project team members. Introducing change in an organization is big project with a lot of challenges. Technology is taking up the way organizations carry their businesses. In our organization, computers were only used in the top management only. The other levels utilized the manual system. Customers used to order for their products and this could take 1-2 weeks before they pick them. However, one employee shared an experience he had with a different organization. He ordered for his products through online and picked it after two days. Therefore, to speed up our service delivery, we embarked on the introduction of computers with a system that would allow sharing of information between departments. From my part, I had to assess the computer skills levels of our employees, explain to them why this change was beneficial to our organization. The project was successfully executed and the expected results were realized. I can say all these was possible due to proper communication channels. Communication Network The project utilized the project governance bodies commun...
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