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Final Project: China and the United States (US)

Essay Instructions:

A5: Final Project/ Paper


Read the instructions very carefully. Ensure you discuss each point mentioned in the instructions below.

The Final project has two focuses, you must address both.

a.)Choose a country other than the United States and research the following:

What are the key diversity concerns for that country?

Which groups are dominant and non-dominant?

What are the participation rates, earnings, and employment differences among the groups?

What, if any, legislation exists regarding those groups in the country?

How is diversity in the country you chose similar to or different from diversity in the United States?

b.)Assume you are starting a business in that country. Based on the information you obtained in item a, which diversity-related factors would you emphasize or be most concerned about?


Submit your paper as a word document, formatted in APA style. The document must include a cover page, abstract, main body, conclusion, and references page.

Your paper MUST use in-text citations, headings, and check proper use of paragraphs (APA Style 7th ed).

Do not forget to properly cite your sources within the document, and include those sources on the References page (APA style 7th ed.). See "Tips" below if you need assistance with APA style format. Points will be deducted for incorrect APA format.

You MUST USE an academic journal as one of your sources. DO NOT USE wikis (e.g. Wikipedia, Wiktionary); they are not reliable sources.

This document should contain three (3) pages (NO LESS) of well-written paragraphs. The title page and references page are not included in the 3 pages. (therefore, the total No. of pages = 5)

No extensions will be given, late submissions will receive a zero grade.

DO NOT write your submission in the COMMENT BOX or you will receive a zero.


Check anything APA at Purdue Online Writing Lab or in the Writing Resources area of this course (linked in the course menu on the left side of your screen).

APA is always double space, no more no less.

The title page must have a header and page number.

The Center of the title page has the title of the assignment, your name, and the college name. NO MORE!

Don't forget the References page. If you list a reference, it must also appear as an in-text citation and vice versa. Never use the words "Works Cited" on the References page. Use the word "References".

Refrain from using the following phrases when writing an academic paper: "I believe" "In my opinion" "I think" "I". The reason you use references is so you can write about what has been researched, this information has validity.

Use headings to take the reader from one point to another. Remember the reader has no idea what this case is about.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Final Project
This article compares China to the US on the factor of diversity in doing business.No doubt that the evolution of technology has eased doing business across the world. Many nations have embraced and developed better communication methods, primarily through the adoption of the internet. China and the United States are well known for trade and innovations, not forgetting the two nations' battle for supremacy. However, diversity is a significant point of concern when it comes to engagement in business. Business people want to be in a country that embraces diversity and has few challenges against their targets. China and the US are well known for innovations, significant investments, and trade wars. Each global corporation desires to enter into either of the markets. The paper addresses China's key diversity concerns; the dominant and non-dominant groups; participation rates, earnings, and employment differences between these groups; legislations of these groups within the country; and similarities or differences in China's diversity and the United States. Further, the paper addresses the diversity factors that a business person would be concerned about when starting a business in the country.
In recent times, China and the United States (US) have been involved in trade wars, forcing companies from either side to face challenges in business operations. China is perceived as an emerging superpower. The US fears losing its position as a world economic superpower. Additionally, Chinese corporations have entered many nations of the world, not forgetting their large presence in the US. Huawei is a well-known company that has struggled in the US. There have also been claims that China has been spying on the US using its Huawei Company and other companies (Cheon, 2019). However, it is essential to note that China has been a favorite destination for many business people in the world. In this article, China will be compared to the US in various aspects. Issues of diversity, legislation aspects, dominant and non-dominant populations will be discussed. Factors to do with employment and ways of doing business in China concerning the mentioned factors will be discussed.
Part A: Key Diversity Concerns in China
China is the largest country in East Asia, known for its natural beauty, rich history, and its influence on the globe. The cities of Shanghai and Beijing are recognized as the industrial centers of China. As much as China is categorized as ethnically diverse, it is racially homogenous. Some may contend that China takes no offense to racism. However, for a long time, the race has been a challenge for visitors getting into the largest economy in East Asia (Cheon, 2019). The race has been a bone of contention when it comes to inequality and naming mistreatment. An excellent example of where race comes in is where Americans are perceived as rich with blue eyes and blonde hair.
Dominant and Non-Dominant Groups
Major groups in China are Han Chinese, while Zhuang is the minority group. Besides, the nation acknowledges fifty-six ethnic groups in the country. The Han group ...
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