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Critical Thinking Option #2: Morieux and a Self‐Reflection Essay

Essay Instructions:


Watch the following TED Talks video:

Yves Morieux: As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify-



Using the concepts from the readings and lecture pages, write a self‐reflection essay that answers the following five questions:

Explain why you do or do not agree with Morieux's (2013) assumption that the traditional organizational methods to effect change are obsolete? Justify your response with research.

Describe the role that simplicity plays in your work life today, according to Morieux's (2013) claim. Explain and offer examples of how you might further simplify your work environment.

Describe two assumptions that explain why employees resist change. Select one of these and explain how you as a leader would simplify your work environment so that employees might better cooperate with each other.

Analyze the method of simplification to reduce complex layers of operational control.


In this self‐reflective assignment, you need to back up your ideas and claims with scholarly sources. Please cite at least two scholarly sources that are not required readings in the course.

Keep in mind that critical reasoning and thinking skills are not the same as an opinion. While it is acceptable to write in first‐person, be sure to support your ideas with valid, reputable, and scholarly articles. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find your resources.

Feel free to use 1‐4, above, as sections of your essay.

Your paper should be 4‐5 pages in length, well written, and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center- https://csuglobal(dot)libguides(dot)com/writingcenter/apa7_resources

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organization Management
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Organization Management
Why Traditional Organizational Methods Are Obsolete
Morieux terms the hard and soft approaches of management to be obsolete. He further blames these approaches for the low production experienced in many companies (Morieux, 2013). According to Frans (2013), most structures in organizations have evolved under various executives. The structural adjustments have been used to accommodate new strategies, special projects, technologies, and services. Job descriptions and working relationships have been undergoing periodic changes due to pressures of centralization and decentralization. The arguments made by Morieux are thus valid. The hard and soft approaches were functional in the past, but now, the approaches are outdated and dysfunctional. This is because organizations are evolving to simpler approaches to management.
The changes that are happening to organizations call for speed and flexibility. An appropriate approach to these changes might be to break the organization into small business units. However, doing so makes an organization to be more complex, which Morieux is against. Another alternative might involve partitioning organizations into focused groups and expanding the management hierarchy to coordinate the groups, which would be expensive (Frans, 2013). Therefore, replacing the old techniques of hard and soft management will not be able to work. This calls for new reforms in management that deviate from the two traditional pillars of management. The new management approaches should promote high teamwork performance amongst specialists in an organization. The approaches should be able to adapt to the ever-changing business environment. The new approaches to management should be dynamic, responsive, and customer-oriented. Just like the way products are designed to evolve according to customer preferences, it is the same way management approaches should be changing.
The Role of Simplicity at Workplace
Simplicity in the workplace has several advantages to an employee. Such advantages include clarity, focus, elimination, effectiveness, and tranquility. Simplicity promotes focus by encouraging the directness of purpose and expression. This contributes to the capability of how an individual can achieve goals, accomplish ambitions, and how to realize the ambitions. Focus is hard to achieve for a long time. Keeping things simple at the workplace can make an individual focus for longer hours without difficulties. Eliminations involve stress and exhaustion at work, which often lead to complicated health conditions. A simple workplace benefits the employees by eradicating stress and exhaustion. Simplicity also promotes effectiveness in production. Having a simple workplace infuses an individual's life with tranquility, thereby focusing on actions with very clear goals (Sid, 2019).
The following are ways of simplifying the work environment. The first option is by the use of technology. Technology is well known to overwhelm employees. However, technology shouldn't just be used for its sake, but rather should be deployed to simplify work. The second method is by going green. The world has transformed into a new era where papers are not used in organizations anymore. An organization should focus on the use of devices and avoid paper at all costs. For example, an organization might spend more than $50,000 in a year on paper alone, not simplifying work. Organizations can also promote a culture of simplicity in the workplace.
An example is GE simplification, which acts as both cultural and structural transformation. The final way to simplify the workplace is by eliminating the unnecessary. This can be achieved by shortening meeting durations, reducing meetings' frequency, and eliminating weekend mails (Crilley, 20...
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