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Final Comprehensive Examination

Essay Instructions:
Take Final Comprehensive HCA598 - FINAL COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION Course Revision Date: 07/2018 Congratulations! You've successfully completed all the course work for your master’s program. The final step is completing the Final Comprehensive Examination. This guide is designed to assist you with the preparation and successful completion of your examination! The Final Comprehensive Examination is designed to be a culminating experience allowing you the opportunity to review, analyze and integrate information you have learned throughout your degree program.For this, you will be making connections between various information you have studied and using that information to make applications to both your professional and personal life. At this point, you have completed the 13 required courses for your master’s degree program.Throughout, you have learned a variety of theories and concepts, and reviewed research within each of the required subjects.For this examination, we will be asking you to discuss your own experience and reactions to the material you have learned.The following are key ideas to consider as you begin this examination: • We are looking for you to analyze your program and to think about what you have learned and to use your knowledge and experience to respond to the writing prompts. • Your responses will be based on your thoughts, feelings and what you consider important enough to relate in your response. • With this type of writing, there is obviously no “right” answer.We are looking for what you found valuable, interesting, and useful to apply to your professional and personal life. • You will not need textbooks, outside reference materials, or access to library references. We hope you find this final requirement to be an interesting and thought-provoking experience. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you have. Good luck with your work! Guidelines for Completing the Final Comprehensive Examination For this examination, there are several questions to be considered under each heading.They are grouped together and should be answered individually as they prompt you to consider each question in relation to the individual scenario presented.You will find the following helpful as you think about each writing prompt: • For this examination, there are multiple parts to each writing prompt.With that, your responses may be shorter and not conform to a standard essay format. • While there is no specific word count required, we do want you to be thoughtful with your responses.Each response should demonstrate you have considered the breadth and depth of the content from each of your courses and your reaction to the writing prompt.For this, we would recommend that each Unit response – totaling all three writing prompts should be a minimum of 500 words (2 pages).Feel free to write more if you wish. Preparing and Submitting Your Examination All responses must conform to the following form and style requirements: • Place your name, student I.D.#, course number, and unit # at the top of each page. • State each question in bold type before writing your response. • Double-space your answers, use a standard font, and a 12-point type size. • Take your time to consider each of the writing prompts. • For this examination, no Proctor is required and there is no time limit. • For this examination, no citations or references are required. • Please remember to submit your work in a professional manner. Scoring: The Final Comprehensive Examination is based on a Pass/No Pass grade.Students must pass each of the four sections and earn a minimum of 70% of the total points possible as noted below: • For each unit written assignment, a total of 25 points is possible. Students must pass with a minimum score of 18. • A student who fails any of the four The final comprehensive exam for HCA598 is composed of 4 parts. You need to answer all 4 parts before submitting your final comprehensive exam since they will be evaluated at the same time. Please complete all 4 parts of your final comprehensive exam by clicking the appropriate link below: • Part 1 • Part 2 • Part 3 • Part 4 PART 1 1. Why did you choose this major? 2. Do you think the program objectives listed above fit the program you completed? Why or why not? 3. Why is health care management an important area of study? Discuss some applications for this major? PART 2 You completed 13 courses for your master’s degree program: 1. Choose and list at least three of the courses you completed and discuss some of the key things you learned that were particularly interesting and/or useful for you. 2. Discuss why you found this information to be interesting or useful. 3. How have you or will you apply some of what you learned from these particular courses? PART 3 A coworker or friend asks you about your educational program: 1. How would you describe your program to this person? 2. Discuss the type of student who would most benefit from this program and why. 3. Discuss some of the strengths and weaknesses of the program and ways you would improve the program. PART 4 When you review your entire educational program at CCU: 1. In what ways has this program been useful for you professionally and personally? 2. In what ways do you think this program will help you in the future – both professionally and personally? 3. Discuss the value of lifelong learning and how it applies to you both professionally and personally. Below is a concise account of my personal background. I am a 66-year-old individual who has retired from both military and civil service. I have worked for a total of 34 years, with 23 of those years specifically dedicated to healthcare information systems. My exposure to medical professionals while working in the medical IT industry motivated me to explore the managerial aspects of the field. This inspired me to pursue a Master of Business Administration in Health Care Management. However, transitioning from an IT background to the healthcare management field was not straightforward. I had to begin by obtaining a bachelor’s degree in business management, as all my previous education and certifications were in IT. I will not pursue another career in this field with this degree. This degree was for my own personal benefit. PART 2: Choose and list at least three of the courses you completed and discuss some of the key HCA501 - HEALTH CARE IN AMERICA Course Description Health Care in America provides a comprehensive overview of the basic structures and operations of the U.S. health care system, from its historical origins and resources to its individual services, costs, and quality. Using a unique systems approach, it brings together an extraordinary breadth of information and a solid overview of how the various components fit together. Course Objectives • Emphasize why it is important for health care managers to understand the intricacies of the health care delivery system. • Explore some of the developments and key forces that will likely shape the delivery of health services in the future. • Differentiate between the concepts of group insurance, self-insurance, individual health insurance, and managed care. • Develop an understanding of the various types of outpatient settings and services. • Analyze the future challenges in wellness and prevention, chronic care, and long-term care. HCA503 - ETHICAL & LEGAL ISSUES FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS Course Description Ethical and Legal Issues for Health Care Professionals will help students prepare for the ethical issues they will experience on the job and teach them how to evaluate the right and wrong courses of action when faced with complicated legal problems. Through contemporary topics presented with a real-world perspective, students will develop the critical thinking skills needed for the moral dilemmas they will encounter in the health care environment. Course Objectives • Define ethics and analyze its importance and application to certain health care dilemmas. • Evaluate relevant ethical theories and principles. • Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary ethical dilemmas and end-of-life dilemmas. • Assess a variety of ethical and legal issues that arise in selected health care professions and analyze the function and purpose of ethics committees. • Examine patients’ rights and responsibilities as well as the issue of informed consent. • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to ethical and legal issues for health care professionals. HCA505 - MULTICULTURAL HEALTH CARE Course Description Multicultural Health Care explores the meaning of health disparities within the context of the demographic changes that are taking place in the U.S. The course examines why the health status gap has not been closed and why the gap is widest between the Black and White population. The course addresses the definition of diversity, who defines it, and its importance to the delivery of health care. The course also discusses healthcare reform and Obamacare. Additionally, the course takes a look at the importance of religion and spirituality in the lives of racial and ethnic groups. Course Objectives • Address the foundations of multicultural health and explain the importance of cultural competency and linguistic competency. • Demonstrate an understanding of theories and models related to multicultural health. • Analyze issues related to specific cultural groups regarding their general philosophies of health, healing traditions, risk factors, and common health problems. • Examine health disparities and future trends for eliminating health disparities. • Demonstrate proficiency with academic writing related to multicultural health care.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Final Comprehensive Examination Name Institution Course and Code Professor Date Final Comprehensive Examination PART 1  1 Why did you choose this major? I opted to specialize in healthcare management due to my vast experience. I have 34 years of career experience, where 23 of the years I worked in healthcare information technology (IT) systems. I interacted with different medical practitioners in the military and the civil service, most of which made me develop an interest in the operational side of medicine. My IT tasks helped me learn about technology in relation to healthcare and reinforced the importance of competent IT and administrative management for healthcare. By specializing in healthcare management, I will bring my experience in information technology, thus providing solutions to address managerial and patient needs.    Despite my desire to avoid a new job, I am compelled to come to college and select this major to gain more insight into healthcare systems. This is for personal gain. I decided to engage in information that would enable me to gain more insight into the essence of healthcare administration during my retirement and enrich my knowledge. All of my previous training and certification were in IT, and therefore, I have to complete a bachelor's degree in business management. Engaging in academic work manifests my spirit to learn for the rest of my years. The strategy is to utilize my experience to gain a broad view of hospital administration. 2 Do you think the program objectives listed above fit the program you completed? Why or why not? The program objectives align with the program I completed. Some courses like HCA501—Health Care in America—clearly understood the overall American health care system. This course described the healthcare system's background, functions, and prospects, which was conducive to grasping the concept of healthcare delivery. Furthermore, the HCA503 Ethical & Legal Issues for Health Care Professionals and HCA505 Multicultural Health Care courses directly supported ethical decision-making and cultural sensitivity program outcomes. These classes taught me critical thinking skills to analyze complex legal issues and understand patients' requirements. Moreover, the coursework also proved that the program was keen on offering real-world solutions and integrating theoretical and practical concepts. For example, HCA503 provided an analysis of modern ethical dilemmas and patient rights, leaving helpful information on the problems faced by healthcare administrators today. In the same way, the need to address these challenges from a real-life perspective was brought out by the learning from HCA505, emphasizing cultural sensitivity and health disparities. The program could accomplish the intended objectives by combining theory and practices and guarantee that I stayed within a minimal and academic understanding of healthcare management. This is also supported by the excellent combination of the program’s goals and implementation, enhancing my critical thinking and moral preparation in the workplace. 3 Why is health care management an important area of study? Discuss some applications for this major? Healthcare administration needs attention because it is central to the delivery of healthcare services that shape patient and public health experience. In particular, the necessity for highly qualified managers to administer complicated interaction structures between patients, providers, insurance authorities, and governing bodies of healthcare delivery is evident. Healthcare management enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of consumption, policy, and patient care. Considering the increased costs of healthcare delivery, the aging population, and chronic diseases prevalent in health organizations across the countries, qualified healthcare managers are required more than ever. This major has several applications, given that the healthcare industry is quite diverse. Hospital administrators may also be graduates managing various hospital operations and staff. Healthcare consultants help determine the organization’s best practices to save money while delivering quality services to patients. Administrators use patient data to provide accuracy, security, and availability in health information management. Public health and government agencies also formulate and implement policies that address various health concerns, improve health status, and work towards achieving health and healthcare equity. Healthcare management is a vast and valuable area of learning that could be applied in non-profit, insurance, and pharmaceutical organizations. PART 2  You completed 13 courses for your master’s degree program: 1 Choose and list at least three of the courses you completed and discuss some of the key things you learned that were particularly interesting and/or useful for you. HCA501 - Health Care in America The goal of this course was to comprehensively cover the healthcare system in the United States, considering the historical background, the contemporary state, and possible issues. By the end of my research, I learned that there are different categories of health insurance, various types of outpatient treatment, and challenges to managing long-term care. HCA503 - Ethical & Legal Issues for Health Care Professionals This course helped me understand the ethical and legal challenges surrounding healthcare managers. This course taught me the importance of the ethical decision-making process, patients’ rights, and the role of Ethics Committees. The discussion of end-of-life dilemmas and patient’s right to be informed was rather insightful. HCA505 - Multicultural Health Care Culture is important in the medical setting, and it has also become one of the main focuses of his training. I learned...
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