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Individual Reflection Paper

Essay Instructions:
This assignment is intended to stimulate your thinking about the conceptual and pragmatic aspects of the assigned readings and discussions, and their implications for your own organizational role. There will be one written reflection assignment covering major concepts from the course plus a final section on lessons learned. For each of the seven assigned topics below, you are to: take the major concept, explain it, reflect on the concept and then apply that concept to your role and your organization. Use the course text book to gain significant insights on the topics. 1. Contemporary Impacts of Change - consider global social change, ethics, values, etc. 2. Strategies for Change - methods used to implement change and evaluation of results 3. Flexibility and agility - organizational responses to changes in the business environment 4. Identifying when change is needed and the extent of the change 5. Planned vs unplanned change - How the organization can be proactive with planning yet responsive when unexpected influences occur 6. Resistance to change with impact on individuals and the organization. Focus on leadership with influence on employee resistance to change; methods for overcoming resistance to change 7. Selecting the type of change needed and the rationale behind that type of change 8. Last section- Lessons Learned: this section is 2 pages in length and discusses your specific learning’s from the text, discussions, readings, etc. You are to follow APA style. Your reflection should be your thoughts and opinions on the topics, the extent to which they conflict with or corroborate other reading you have done or experiences you have had, the extent to which they have some utility for you (e.g., conceptual development, application potential), and so forth. Based on this, include the insights have you developed about yourself and how you execute your organizational role. You are required to explicitly reflect on the topic in the context of your own organizational experiences (present or past job/organization), applying this material as appropriate to probe and explain critical incidents you have experienced, their relationship to your organizational role, and insights into your personal learnings. The final two pages of the paper should include what have you learned from the reading topics, debated positions, other related discussions, vClasses, teaming, threaded discussions, etc. My role at work is a Supply Chain Advisor at my organization and I work in an oil and gas company. CLIENT UPDATE ++++++ Hi I did not have a place to add the amount of sources needed for this paper. Please I need 6 sources for this paper. Can you please advise the writer it is 6 sources please. I see the automatic information on this requirement is 1 but I cannot see where to edit it and confirm I need 6 sources for this paper.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Individual Reflection Paper Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Instructor’s Name Submission Date The different lessons have played a pivotal role in shaping my perspective about my career and pushing me to aim higher. The classes and lessons offered have molded my understanding of the perspective of organizational change. Its impact on organizations has led to increased performance and improved operational efficiency. The lessons are pivotal in guiding me through practical ways to implement change as a supply chain advisor. Incorporating the theoretical and practical parts is vital to enhance understanding and productivity. Change is inevitable; thus, organizations need to embrace it since it gives them a competitive edge. This paper provides an in-depth reflection on the lessons learned and practical ways to implement them in my career. Contemporary Impacts of Change Global social change involves tackling vital problems such as unemployment to lead to a better quality of life through creating sustainable change. The members of global social organizations need to understand the importance of internal development. As a supply chain advisor, it is essential to be equipped with the required skills by enrolling in continuous training. One must have the necessary skills before handling social issues, such as being environmentally conscious. Global social change involves creating a vision that aligns with the group's ideologies. As a supply chain advisor, I need to make decisions that align with the general values of the oil company. It is essential to recognize conflict and handle it professionally (John-Eke & Akintokunbo, 2020). In my designated role, I have learned the importance of active listening to solve misunderstandings. Ethics evaluate how professionals conduct themselves in their designated positions to ensure that they maintain a professional relationship. Research indicates that ethical conduct is influenced by our environment (Trevino & Nelson, 2021). Based on this finding, it is evident that our ethical guidelines are shaped by the experiences we have had and our background. Some professionals might be inclined to their beliefs rather than the ethics guiding an organization. In my role, I have learned the importance of using my position to ensure the organization’s growth. Ethical guidelines guide others on ways to interact within an organization. In the oil and gas industry, ethical guidelines are essential in guiding an individual on what is acceptable. As a supply chain advisor, I adhere to the organization’s ethical guidelines. Professional bodies incorporate humanistic values to ensure the organization’s growth. As a supply chain advisor, I will include values that promote the organization's growth. I will adopt an open problem-solving climate to encourage other colleagues to be transparent and more productive. I will implement strategies that align with the overall organizational values, such as sustainability. Thus, as the supply chain advisor, I must implement similar strategies to ensure organizational success. It is essential to implement values that effectively use the available resources. Whenever I conflict with the leaders, I will reflect on the organizational values and ensure that I uphold them. Strategies for Change Effective change management depends on creating readiness for change to ensure stakeholders are ready. As a supply chain advisor, I must prepare my colleagues to ensure their receptivity when implementing changes. I will sensitize my teammates to the need for change to ensure that they are aware of the changes that will be made. The threshold for awareness should be established to be sensitive to the organization’s needs. I will incorporate the opinions of other individuals to ensure that the decisions implemented ensure efficiency. Organizations should be more sensitive to change to ensure they can react quickly. Organizations should understand the success factors and implement them accordingly to implement change initiatives (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). Information about the current organizational performance and the desired state offers the organization insights into implementing changes. The discrepancies highlighted can be used to implement changes in an organization. Activity planning is essential in adapting to organizational changes and involves a clear outline of the sequence of change events. An organization should determine the duration of the change process that is anticipated to take. Stakeholders should be made aware of this process to ensure that they give their support. The visions and the goals that the changes are expected to generate are documented to act as a reference point for the performance (Cummings & Worley, 2019). In my line of work, it is crucial to formulate an activity plan for changes, such as improving the supply chain process. Activity plans give the employees the desired outcome of the change, keeping them motivated until the end. Formulating an activity plan that acts as a sense of direction is essential. Evaluation of feedback is essential since it denotes the level of impact the change has had on the employees. The results would be assessed to determine whether they are positive or negative. If the majority of the response is negative, then it calls for the managers to evaluate the change plan and make modifications. Assessing the change's impact is essential to ensure it is functional. The feedback received would indicate if there will be a need to implement intervention mechanisms. Changes are highly experimental; thus, evaluating whether they constantly fulfill their purpose is vital. Flexibility and Agility Organizations must be flexible because the ever-changing terrain requires agile people to adapt quickly. The fast-paced business environment favors businesses that can adapt rapidly. To ensure success, a company should be agile when dealing with different business environments. The changes in the market require an organization to be flexible and make changes accordingly. The organization should quickly shift priorities and make quick decisions to adapt well to change (Peng et al., 2021). As a supply chain advisor, it is essential to be flexible and agile when dealing with different changes. One should not be too fixated on only one way of accomplishing a goal; rather, one should have other options. An organization that constantly meets the dynamic needs of its customers...
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