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Facebook Change Plan: Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

In order for managers to respond effectively to environmental or organizational pressures that can be disruptive to an organization, they must implement clear intervention strategies. In a 1,000-1250 word paper, propose a change plan to respond to the most significant pressures affecting the organization represented in your Evaluating Pressures for Change assignment from Topic 2. Include the following:

Review the organizational/environmental pressures you presented in your initial paper: Determine which pressure is most important to address at this time in order to maintain a competitive and viable company. Summarize the pressure and how the organization is currently being affected. Project the outcome for the organization if it fails to address the pressure.

Develop a change vision to respond to the organizational or environmental pressure: The vision must define the organizational change and resonate with the decision making and strategies proposed in the paper. Additionally, the vision must include a cognitive and affective component in order to help stakeholders understand how to achieve the goals, and to inspire and motivate them to engage in the change.

Develop a change model to implement your change vision. Identify the specific steps needed to implement a change and effectively respond to the pressure. Describe a strategy for implementing each step.

Evaluate potential resistance from stakeholders. Discuss the reasons for the resistance, at what point the resistance will likely occur, and some strategies for overcoming the resistance.

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Facebook Change Plan
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Facebook Change Plan
Organizations must strive to find a balance between attaining their goals and responding accordingly to the needs as they arise from the different stakeholders. The contrasting desires of the organization and those of outside forces amount to pressures in an organizational setting. Facebook Inc, a dorm-room invention that turned into a global tech giant, is facing all sorts of pressures from within and without the organization, just like any other global company. The most rampant environmental pressure facing the tech giant in the recent past includes politics and heightened government regulations. The company also faces organizational pressures that comprise losses arising from lawsuits, privacy concerns, and the increased desire to further monetize the company's products. Facebook and all the other social media giants have been in the limelight following their perceived influence on democratic activities such as the election, fostering immense pressure from the political class. Heightened tension with the political class, whose influence on the public is of great magnitude, poses a huge threat to the viability of the company, calling for an immediate and urgent response.
Facebook, for the better part of last year, came under fire for allowing political advertisements that were deemed to be spreading misinformation sufficient to inhibit the basic human rights of the citizens. Despite the immense pressure from the US Congress and other political leaders, Facebook was reluctant to take action against the spread of misinformation through political ads, despite its peers and competitors having taken considerable measures on censoring political ads (Isaac & Kang, 2020). Such a move paints a picture of Facebook as a company that cares less about its civic responsibility. Also, given that the pressure leaned towards a certain political angle and those in support of Facebook's decision also belonged to a certain political inclination, the defiance portrays the company as a partisan company, yet it ought to be as neutral as possible. Given that Facebook's main competitor, Twitter, had made a tremendous move on the issue of political ads, to an extend of banning them entirely in its network (Isaac & Corasaniti, 2020), Facebook's reputation and competitiveness might be put to the test by such defiance attitude. Also, such behavior might not resonate well with some employees within the company and might spur internal pressures. The spread of misinformation certainly attracts stiffer regulations from the government authorities, given the rocky relationship with Facebook.
Change Vision
Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms, with over 2.7 billion active users globally every month (Tankovska, 2021). With such a vast audience, it is important to recognize the massive civic responsibility that Facebook has brought upon itself, the consequential of being a social media platform. In this regard, Facebook has no option but to tweak the policies on political advertisements, introducing fact checks, and even censoring any inflammatory remarks perpetrated through the social media platform. Although the move might come with a hefty price owing to the massive payments for political ads, the civic duties supersede the monetary benefit. Facebook is a believer in free speech, but inflammatory remarks and lying for political milestones is heinous, and the company ought to disassociate itself from such vices. Facebook calls upon every stakeholder to embrace the policy change on political advertisements to uphold the company's civic duty and to serve the greater good.
Change Model
The most suitable change management model to follow in response to the political pressure facing Facebook Inc is Kotter's Eight Step Change Model (Barrow & Toney-Butler, 2017). Civic responsibil...
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