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Expectations of Leaders

Essay Instructions:

OPTION #1: Expectations of Leaders
Research and explore how the practice of persuasion in servant leadership connects with the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model of decision making.
Imagine that you are a political leader of our nation in whatever capacity you envision (President, Senator, House…). The expectations of your leadership are high. You have made promises to your supporters and you receive thousands of calls and emails daily from both supporters and non-supporters. Choose a current challenge facing our society (see the list below for suggestions or choose your own). Research the chosen challenge using credible sources. (do not use blogs or non-credible sources with an obvious bias).
With the mindset of a servant leader, use of persuasion, and under the Vroom-Yetton-Jago decision making model, write a detailed and specific letter to your public to justify your support of this challenge and why you made this decision. Connect your thought process to how a servant leader functions. Align your persuasion to the expected actions of a servant leader. Connect your decision to the Vroom-Yetton-Jago model as a credible way in which you reached your decision. Some current challenges:
• Transportation/Infrastructure
• Border crisis
• Green Deal
• Policing
• Non-Vaccinators
• Election Reform
• Gun Control
• Federal Funding of Abortions
• Affordable Care Act/Healthcare
• Reopening of schools/businesses
• Budgets
• Legalization of Marijuana
• Housing/Homelessness
Requirements: Your submission should be 4-6-pages in length (not including title or reference pages) and be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research. You must include a minimum of 4-6 credible, academic or professional references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Expectations of Leaders
Institutional Affiliation
Expectations of Leaders
The United States (U.S.) has long been considered the land of opportunities, allowing the citizens to pursue the American dream. The most straightforward evidence of this presupposition is the increase in the number of immigrants and even better, the degree of success they have managed to reach. The success that emanates in America guarantees that we remain on course in maintaining our economic and democratic supremacy. This position will place our citizens in better positions to seize global opportunities, particularly, with the rise in globalization. Although this proposition is a great fit in the current circumstances, I consider the ever-growing problem of homelessness in major parts of the country as a significant concern that demands the country’s administration. This letter is addressed to the American people outlining the dynamics that face us and more specifically, the rising number of people who lack shelter, which is an essential commodity in life.
Although homeless has been a prevalent social issue at least in the 21st Century, the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic has brought much light to the issue, which explains its growing recognition among leaders and the public. Many of you are aware that the government has been initiating various measures to curb the growth of the virus among its citizens. However, we were able to recognize the gravity of the problem when we realized that these efforts were by people living in cars, parks, and abandoned buildings (The Economist, 2021). Needless to say, it is not that we were oblivious to the situation, but you may as well know that politics is a difficult game and thus, our plan to take the country forward is ever under scrutiny and more so from the opposition. However, this juncture is a reckoning for everyone and specifically, politicians to place our biased agenda aside and make concerted efforts to ensure that our citizens have a place they can call home.
The first step in the right direction would be managing the current virus through vaccinations. The articulation of this procedure provides us with an opportunity to ensure that we can harness and consolidate our efforts towards precise measures in handling the housing crisis. Many people are at an impasse on whether they should proceed with the injection. Sincerely, young people are less likely to suffer from catastrophic consequences including death if they get infected and fail to get the jab. However, the primary concern is for our elderly people, who face the utmost risk, to be safe (Daoust, 2020). It would be a highly unfortunate circumstance to lose the people who guaranteed the continuity of our ancestral lines to avoidable circumstances. Beyond that, vaccinations will enable the government to proceed with its countermeasures in the housing crisis, without the fear of facilitating the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
In my position as the president, I must enlighten the greater America on the reasons as to why we are experiencing homelessness and even worse, why it has increased during the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic. Housing underpins the most straightforward reason as to the increased level of homelessness. The housing crisis is highly premised on the unavailability of affordable housing and scant housing assistance programs. Since the 2007/08 financial crisis, many citizens have experienced unprecedented foreclosures, which means they can only opt for the streets, car parks, and other convenient places. The financial crisis was a tipping point because it rendered many families homeless and became the genesis for increased home prices, which meant that only the rich in cash and wealthy could own. A considerable number of Americans are unfortunate to be in the adverse extreme.
Poverty is the major reason for homelessness. Besides, both are inextricably linked. In this regard, the poor persona is incapacitated in meeting their daily needs and more specifically, life’s necessities including housing, food, childcare, health care, and education (Singh & Singh, 2008). In the prevailing circumstances of limited resources, these people have to conceive difficult choices, and often, housing is dropped because it constitutes a significant amount of income. People in this category are a paycheck, an accident, or an illness away from living on the streets. The major factors accounting for the perpetuated poverty are reduced chances of available public assistance and lack of employment opportunities (Cellini et al., 2008). These two are the prime reasons, although others exist. These could be an addiction, lack of affordable health care, mental illness, and domestic violence. However, the government perceives that the steps towards redemption as strategical and thus will seek to orchestrate a convenient path towards this possibilit...
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