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Evaluation Of Qualitative Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

This module is the culmination of the Session Long Project assignments.

Module 5 SLP assignment is to write a 3- to 4-page paper in which the following items are addressed:

Give an overview of teh findings from this Session Long Project mini-research study in the following way:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the "mixed methods" approach in general, and as related to research in Education, as illustrated by the “mini” study (with the concentration on the qualitative component)?

Which factors would should be taken account before considering a qualitative component in the dissertation research? (Refer to the process and findings of the “mini” study, as well as all the module background readings.).

Demonstrate understanding of context and purpose of the overall Session Long Project assignment by bringing theories and principles from all five modules' readings and assignments to the final SLP discussion.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Merge the Module 5 SLP essay to the revised/edited Module 1-4 SLP essays and submit to together as a cohesive unit. Follow the APA format and style requirements. Include an APA-formatted reference list. Include an introductory paragraph that states the purpose of the Module 5 SLP assignment.

This assignment MUST BE formatted per APA Sixth Edition guidelines. Be sure to use APA formatted headings to mark the beginning of each module section. This assignment is to reflect an application of scholarly literature and written in a scholarly manner.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Mini-Mixed Methods Research Study
Institutional Affiliation
Strengths and Weaknesses of Mixed Research Methods: Qualitative Research
Mixed research methods have significant advantages in the manner they are applied in the collection of data. The major strength of each of these techniques is that they provide a solution to the problem. In either case, the method applied helps the researcher to develop an understanding of the problem and develop a lasting solution or propose a solution to the problem under study. This section discusses the strengths and weaknesses of qualitative research methods that were applied in this study.
One of the leading strengths of qualitative studies is in the manner they provide the researcher with an in-depth understanding of the problem and help reduce the quality of subjects under study (Madrigal & McClain, 2015). A specific focus is on how the research approach helps the researcher to understand the characteristics of participants such as emotions, behavior, and personality characteristics. In the research study conducted in this paper, it is possible for the researcher to postulate the impact of financial management on the outcome of management of hospitals by analyzing responses from employees and other participants. Additionally, the researcher could directly observe the institution under study and compare it with other institutions that do not have proper financial management programs. In either case, the researcher is drawn to an understanding of the pressing issues in the financial management and can recommend alternative solutions to the problem in question.
Unlike quantitative studies that require standardization of data, qualitative studies are based on the flexibility of the researcher. Data analysis begins at the point of data collection because the researcher can observe participants and get clues into the reliability of the information provided. The researcher can also gauge the reliability of information by observing trends in the feedbacks. For the case in the research in this study, the researcher could observe the trend from participants and the level of the feedback on each question in the questionnaire (Milner, 2017). This is a significant contribution to the data analysis because it is possible to observe a trend in the problem, estimate pain, and the emotional agony that participants go through. Since the researcher cannot expose the quality of data to statistical evaluation, the researcher is forced to expose the collected data to qualitative analysis that occurs in steps and is always progressive. The researcher can also automate data by introducing qualitative research programs that enable qualitative analys...
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