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The Role of Human Resource Management in Employee Retention

Essay Instructions:


Concept Paper Full Sentence Outline Draft: Part One

In this unit, you will submit the first section of a concept paper relating to business administration. Keep in mind the guidelines in the most current version of the CSU Concept Paper template instructions for the following sections:


Problem Statement

Theoretical Foundation

Application to Business Administration

The concept paper template is available to download in the CSU Dissertation Center within Blackboard. For the Literature Review section, you may elect to use all or some of the sources used in the annotated reference list from the Unit III Course Project to draft a preliminary literature review outline. You must have at least 10 sources that support your research inquiry topic. Use only the sources that apply to what you are writing. The literature review will be further developed in Unit VI.

Focus on your area of inquiry, and realize that other sections may evolve and change over time.

Be sure this document is formatted in APA style with a title page and a full reference page. Refer to the doctoral and APA writing tips.

(Note: Your outline for the latter sections of the concept paper will be due in upcoming units.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Role of Human Resource Management in Employee Retention
Student’s Name
Date of Submission
Institution Table of Contents Problem Statement and Theoretical Framework. 3 Problem Statement 3 Theoretical Framework. 3 Application to Business Administration. 3 Purpose Statement and Research Questions. 4 Purpose Statement 4 Research Questions (and Hypotheses) 4 Variables/Phenomena. 4 Research Method and Design. 5 Research Method. 5 Research Design. 5 References. 6
Problem Statement and Theoretical Framework Problem Statement Manuel et al. (2016) and Figueiredo, Pais, Monteiro, and Mónico (2016) argue that the workforce is an imperative asset for creating competitive advantage. Nevertheless, researchers identify that there are numerous challenges that emerge in HRM practices that limit employee retention and the ultimate contribution the workforce has in the organization (Olaimat & Awwad, 2017). Similar insights are expressed an array of researchers who show that the impact of HRM practices by interlinked factors such as globalization, technological innovations, economic development, and increased quality of education and legal provisions have increased competitiveness in the modern business environment (Imna, 2015; Ahmed Qayed Al-Emadi, Schwabenland, & Wei, 2015; Pandey, Singh, & Pathak, 2016). Resultantly, it has become difficult for organizations to create a competitive advantage through strategic management practices because similar conditions and resources are available for all organizations. In this light, there is a need to address the HRM practices that fail to promote employee retention, which is imperative in developing a sustainable competitive advantage. Focus on such issues can contribute in the realization of HRM shortcomings and offer recommendations on how HRM practices can be aligned with organizational objectives. Additionally, despite the growing volume of literature, the changing business environment requires consistent investigation of how employees are managed. Theoretical Framework Review of various studies shows that there are various theoretical models that be employed to address the role of HRM practices in employee retention. For this research, the theoretical model considered best to address the research questions, and the general objective of the investigation is the Guest Model. According to Imna (2015), the model draws from the Harvard framework, which focuses on the soft and hard HRM practices and how they affect employee retention. The model was presented by Guest in 1997, who advocated for the development of a theoretical approach that was centered on human resource activities and organizational performance, and a theory that could be employed to relate the two factors. From this perspective, the theory draws from various conceptualizations of the relationship between human resource management and how employee retention influences organizational performance. Drawing from the model, there is a consensus among scholars that increased effectiveness of HRM practices in light of the changing business environment contributes to employee retention and organizational competitiveness (Imna, 2015; Ahmed Qayed Al-Emadi, Schwabenland, & Wei, 2015; Pandey, Singh, & Pathak, 2016). Guest’s theory is premised on lengthy investigations of other theories that include the strategic contingency theory and the AMO theory (Imna, 2015). These lacked to effectively establish the relationship between human resource and performance. The Guest Model offers insights on the strategic and effective approach in human resource practices that when aligned with corporate strategies can result in increased employee engagement.  Reviews by Imna (2015) show that Guest’s model has been applied in a range of academic works and critics of the model such as Karen Legge have found it difficult to counter the model, which makes it appropriate for this investigation. The model is structured on seven critical interlinked HRM practices, which are recruitment, selection and socialization, the flow of labor, the rewarding systems, employee appraisa...
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