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Evaluate an Application of Inferential Statistics

Essay Instructions:

For this week’s assignment, you will select an actual real-world event with an engineering and/or technology nexus and assess the role of statistics in some aspect of the event.  You may consider the concept, development, or communication, or you may wish to focus on some other aspect that appeals to you as a doctoral student exploring engineering and technological applications.  In addition to highlighting the role engineering and/or technology played, you should propose alternative roles that may have been employed that could have resulted in an enhanced beneficial impact on the event.  For example, in the event of the culmination of the GM vehicle recall, available technological advances could perhaps have been employed to minimize the inconvenience to owners of recalled vehicles.  Describe how some element of statistics could have been used.  The week’s resources focus on the Pyramid of Cheops to demonstrate the relevance of statistics dating back nearly 5,000 years.

Support your assignment with at least five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role of Inferential Statistics
The current world is the information age whereby people make their decisions based on the information they collect. The amount of data they receive and the speed at which they get them as well as their essence in their lives has a significant influence on their decisions. Nevertheless, it is essential to concentrate on whether the information gathered is real and is based on the real truth of the matter which has the correct interpretation. Unfortunately, due to some circumstances, some information which is given out there sometimes tends to be false, or half-truth made up or just interpreted either through intentions or unintentionally. It is therefore upon the gatherer to determine whether the information collected is accurate based on the source and the content. In cases where the gatherer has doubts on the credibility of the source of information, it is likely that they will have challenges in making a sound decision. This paper looks into the essence of statistics in science and technology whereby it focuses on the pyramid of Cheops and analyses how statistics, in that case, was essential.
Statistics in Science
Statistics in science has been utilized as one tool for acquiring credibility in the information that is applied in various circumstances. It is imperative to have a mechanism whereby the data which is generated from it can be probably true. Science entails the system or method of acquiring knowledge, and its primary objective is discovering the truth. Scientists focus on coming up with new knowledge whereby, in this case, they only focus on the fact (Proctor,2018). The scientific community, therefore, calls for high levels of transparency and integrity so that the results from research done will show the truth by the statistics recorded. Where false information is allowed to be given, people are less likely to believe in the gathered data by the scientists who will render science an invalid discipline. To avoid such instances, there are specific guidelines which were implemented to be utilized by scientists in the search for knowledge. Therefore, it is essential for upcoming scientists to act according to the scientific techniques in their research operations.
Moreover, scientists need to think in a scientific way whereby their ability to reason while using statistical information must come up with logical solutions for every solution which then lead to meaningful conclusions (Bui, 2011). Scientific reasoning operates by three things which are the application of empirical evidence, having a skeptical attitude and logical thinking. By the help of statistics, scientists can acquire empirical evidence which they can be able to hear, smell, touch or taste. This evidence is that which other people can be able to experience and is reversible. Empirical evidence stands as the only type of proof that is applied by scientists to come up with decisions and make reasonable conclusions.
According to science, logic is not an inborn skill but a learned skill which is acquired in the process of growth. To most people, they prefer believing that something is right because they have a feeling, hope and wish it could be true, but inside them, they have a sense of denial to accept that what they believe in is false (Proctor, 2018). Having a skeptical attitude entails constant questioning of the beliefs and conclusions. Qualified scientists are continually evaluating the arguments, evidence, and reasons for their beliefs. For skeptics, they tentatively believe and will be ready to do away with their opinions only in cases where there is new evidence to prove otherwise.
Statistics in the Pyramid of Cheops
The pyramid of Cheops is recognized as the most massive pyramids in the world which were constructed with the motive of honoring Pharaoh as the ruler of Egypt during the old kingdom era. The ancient kingdom was recognized as the very first era in the Egyptian civilization which lasted from 2686 to 2181 BCE (Bui, 2011). The pyramid complex at Giza was made up of three pyramids and a sphinx statue and is currently located outside Cairo, Egypt. Being the largest pyramid in the world, it is 480 feet high. The figure is believed to have been made in honor and resemblance of Pharaoh Khafra who stands at the side of the pyramid. In each of the mon...
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