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Engineering Management Self-Reflection

Essay Instructions:

Over the past few weeks, you had the opportunity to work with two or three other classmates in developing an engineering management plan. Your final individual task in this subject is to reflect on the experience and summarise it in a short report.

Include the following in your report:

(A) Using the team contract developed in the early project stage, what is your assessment of team’s ability to function as an effective team. What went well? What did not work so well? Give specific examples if possible and analyse the situations. If you had to do another project with the same team, would you change your approach? What would you have done differently?

(B) Comment on the leadership aspects of the group. What can you say about the goals, motivation, and skills of your teammates? Who was leading the team? Did you appoint a leader or did someone naturally filled the role? What was the style like? What kind of leadership would work for your group in a virtual project environment?

(C) As engineering managers, we are often asked to lead teams and/or participate as part of other teams. If you are appointed to lead a team for a year-long project that includes your current teammates, how would you turn this team into a better team or high performing team in a virtual environment ? Given the different personalities and attitudes and motivations, how would you lead this team? How would you lead and build a virtual team like this?

Wherever possible you should relate the experience, actions (by yourself and others) to management and organisational theories (e.g. leadership styles, team, power etc.) and research pertaining to management, change management engineering management or project management methodology (such as PMBOK). Some degree of research and proper referencing is expected.

In this exercise, please relate to the capstone project by giving examples of how or the other teammates have led or participated in specific areas of work.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Engineering Management Self-Reflection
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Engineering Management Self-Reflection
Teamwork is beneficial in acquiring knowledge, skills, and experience in engineering management. In particular, my team was the best, and I enjoyed working alongside my colleagues. Everyone was devoted to that task at hand, and together we focused on achieving the established goals and objectives. I was happy to be in a group where all members were committed and ready to help each other to facilitate the success of the team. Despite a few challenges that my team faced, everyone was available and willing to address problems before they affected the built relationship between members. The paper reflects my team’s activities, contract, leadership aspects, and how I can lead a high-performing team virtually to meet the goals of a long-term project.
Reflection on Team Contract
My team had four members, and together we developed a team contract that guided us from the beginning to the end. Based on the contingency theory, there is no specific way to make the right decision. Organizations or teams should focus on factors that affect their decisions and try alternatives that might work best for them (Victer, 2020). In that light, my team adhered to the contract we developed in the early stages of the project, which minimized issues. Team members cooperated, coordinated, communicated well, shared relevant information about the project at hand, and exercised emotional intelligence. Everything went well, and my team achieved its set objectives. However, one of the team members had an internship and was absent several times during the meeting. The team member was honest and had told us initially about his internship. When the individual attended the meeting, the person contributed well and ensured to catch up with what others did during one’s absence.
Conflicts were rare in my team, and everyone tried to avoid them. Nevertheless, one conflict that my team experienced in the beginning is setting the perfect meeting time due to the difference in members’ time zones. Some individuals were from Australia and others from China. My team resolved the issue by using time zone 8. The cultural barrier was another significant problem. Specifically, cultural beliefs and values contribute to the team’s emotional intelligence and knowledge sharing (Jamshed & Majeed, 2019). Some individuals might be individualists or collectivists, which influence the relationship they establish with others in a group. The most significant thing is that team members knew each other and were ready to help. As the team’s coordinator, I soothed everyone’s emotions to foster the high productivity and effectiveness of my team. However, if I have to do another project with the same team, I would change the approach. For example, I would allocate a little time in the beginning for members to share their personal interests. Knowing each other at a personal level contributes to building a strong bond among members. Moreover, I would not accept any team member to be absent without reason. If one were committed at the time we meet, it would be best to change the time to ensure everyone is available.
Reflection on Leadership Aspects of the Team
Team leadership requires an understanding person who values members’ participation and equality. My team applied a situational leadership theory, which requires both followers and leaders to get committed to the task at hand and help each other (Thompson & Glaso, 2015). We interchanged the leadership roles based on the situation the team experienced. No one stayed in one position for the entirety of my team’s existence. The best thing about situational leadership is that everyone gets an opportunity to lead others in areas where one has skills, knowledge, or experience. Although my team appointed whom to lead depending on the situation at hand, no leader dominated throughout. All members were happy to know that everyone could lead the team and enhance its success.
My team was focused on achieving the set objectives. Although there were no rewards to give good-performing members, we ensured to congratulate all members who did things to ensure the team’s success. Teammates shared their skills and were motivated to undertake their duties well. Based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, my team benefited from fulfilling social needs, such as involvement in team activities and friendship, and self-esteem needs, such as recognition and self-confidence (Jerome, 2013). Members corrected each other when they made mistakes, and we ensured to update the project’s progress on Google Drive for everyone to see and share ideas for improvement. In addition, final presentation materials were submitted...
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