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Systems Engineering Analysis Design Portfolio

Essay Instructions:

Produce an individual report (no more than approximately 4,000 words) highlighting key

aspects of each task undertaken in the design portfolio, and in particular the processes you

followed, parts of the process that were confusing and/or you (or your group) had to rework,

the key lessons learnt during the module and, from your perspective, the key benefits of

systems engineering analysis.

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This is the link for the group assignment I have done.

I did the : system boundary, 2.3 whole capacity design, 2.4.5 Water Storage 2.4.6 Waste Management

2.4.7 Water Treatment 4.1 Hardware Maintance 4.2 Sofeware sequencing

5.1 Fault Tree for Access Track 5.2 Even Tree 6.1 Levels of Automation Diagram

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Report on the
Systems Engineering Analysis Design Portfolio
May 2021
This individual report serves as a summary and detailed analysis of the research work that our class and I have made in the months. My works have been enumerated into the following 2.3 Whole Capacity Design, 2.4.5 Water Storage 2.4.6, Waste Management, 2.4.7 Water Treatment, 4.1 Hardware Maintenance, 4.2 Software Sequencing,5.1 Fault Tree for Access Track, 5.2 Even Tree, and 6.1 Levels of Automation Diagram System Boundary. In the subsequent paragraphs of this report, I will elucidate the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages of the separate papers I have submitted. In addition, I will highlight the key aspects of every single task in the design portfolio. Moreover, I will also accurately discuss all the processes that taught me the basic principles in Systems Engineering and the confusing sections or needed rework. The key lessons that I discovered in the course of the study of the module will also be incorporated in the final pages of this paper. The goal is to give aid and contribute to the expanding and progressive strategies in Systems Engineering.
Storage, Waste Management, Water Treatment, Hardware Maintenance, Software Sequencing, Fault Tree for Access Track, and Even Tree are all connected to Systems Engineering in one way or the other. Systems Engineering is defined as a branch of Science and engineering with a mission and vision that helps develop systems known to be large, complicated, difficult, and have numerous complexities. It is a process that is interdisciplinary that aids to ensure that projects are met and made successful by meeting the requirements, necessities of management, budgets primordial for the completion of the developments, and even maintenance inclusive of the workers.
Systems Engineering is used in so many features and aspects of our lives, such as but not limited to hydraulics, radar, communications, technology, and computers, these systems that we are in so much dire need of every day. These systems must be protected through a complex weapon of advanced security. Expertise is required in designing these systems, mostly the excellent skills of Engineers in mixed departments such as mechanical, software, and electrical Engineers. In addition to these, Systems Engineering also has a scope on interdisciplinary fields and groups such as the development, design of architecture, and trade learnings of various System Engineering Software. Nowadays, traditional Engineering principles and strategies are no longer enough since science and technology have fully developed into a more complex binary of systems. The present tasks now require higher and more advanced skills, experience, and background. However, to some governments and even states, the Systems Engineer Department is usually always the first to be cut off from the budget, with officials stating that the costs are too high in maintaining a team of Systems Engineers.
Hence, this Individual report emphasizes the value of this field of science. Science and Technology are used in Systems Development Engineering because of the field and class of work. Software and hardware systems cannot be controlled without computers. This is why technology could never be disregarded. I have done in-depth and calculated research and investigation on the following tasks assigned to me the Whole capacity design, Water Storage, Waste Management, Water Treatment, Hardware Maintenance, Software Sequencing, Fault Tree for Access Track, and Even Tree.
Problems and Dilemmas Encountered During Research and Investigation
The modules, research, and investigation we made in class on various topics served as a learning conduit for our knowledge to be increased. Although some numerous methodologies and strategies helped complete our written experiments and projects, we learned that not all programs or systems of solutions are proven to be successful. Therefore, we had to do a trial and error experiment to study and cross out which among the scientific methods are inefficient. We know one thing for sure now that Systems Engineering could be expensive and costly if we want our projects and creations to be top-of-the-class excellent in functionality and workmanship (Elm J., 2013).
Pros and Cons During the Research, Experiments and Investigation Stage
In all aspects of the research process on several of my topics: Whole capacity design, Water Storage, Waste Management, Water Treatment, Hardware Maintenance, Software Sequencing, Fault Tree for Access Track, and Even Tree, I have learned to apply the Systems Engineering principles and methods of solving the scientific dilemma and issues at hand in a multi-disciplinary strategy. I used concepts and Engineering tools to analyze and evaluate the situations given that needed to be solved.
I learned how to apply the systems thinking method alongside the measures necessary to perform tasks and solve problems (Roberts C., 2021). Furthermore, I have studied how to develop remedies for problems, whether scientific, engineering, or business in nature. Such as in the written research I made on waste management and water treatment, I had to perform experiments using various kinds of equipment or simple tools to prove a theory or to oppose a wrong mindset revolving around the subject matter at hand. I have learned how to synthesize and combine appropriate engineering measures that are effective solutions to the problems at hand.
In terms of discipline and consistency in the performance of experiments, research study and investigation, and lastly, providing remedies, I had to allocate a schedule for each task and take down notes on my journal to stay on track. I collated as many quantitative shreds of evidence as possible to identify solutions and apply the same to my research. Some of the dilemmas that I have encountered during my research proceedings were the following:
* Risks of making wrong calculations and computations
* Risks of using the wrong methods and formulas
* Outside forces that could affect the systems engineering process like storms, earthquakes, and force of nature
* Division amongst the team, not agreeing as to the solution, preferred to apply
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