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Eduardo's Leadership Transformation

Essay Instructions:


As a director of leadership and learning, you collaborate with many different employees throughout the prosthetics manufacturing organization you work for. You were recently contacted by Eduardo, who was promoted from an individual contributor to a manager four months ago. Eduardo is seeking your advice on developing his leadership style after receiving his first quarterly review from his su
The following are the key takeaways from your conversation with Eduardo:
“I’ve been told that I am extremely intelligent and typically get to solutions before others. However, this can lead me toward moving too quickly to implementing a solution when the organization is two steps behind. I was cautioned that this can create a disconnect with my team. I’m told to focus on working alongside my team to better empower them. However, I get frustrated with the lack of responsiveness from the organization and my team. My supervisor says this can create insecurity and frustration, with people feeling they cannot live up to my expectations.”
After your meeting with Eduardo, you follow up with his supervisor to gain additional insight. This was their feedback:

“Eduardo does not leverage his team to create the desired vision. Because he is intelligent and gets to answers faster than most, he loses patience and decides to do all the work himself. By doing so, he misses out on the input of others and fails to garner support for the vision. When he becomes quickly entrenched in his position, he often ignores valid input and alternative points of view.”

“Eduardo thinks he knows best and hence may not always listen to others. Nor does he inspire confidence in his team. As a result, his ‘professional arrogance’ creates more of a dictatorial leadership style, which in turn produces adversarial relationships internally (Eduardo versus everyone). I am concerned that over time this outcome will also spread to external partners. In the end, we will continue to lose talent, which will eventually impact business performance.”

Since the vice president of leadership and learning has asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit, these conversations are extremely valuable because they provide specific insight into areas of leadership that can be improved across the organization. Some of the strategies that you recommend for Eduardo’s situation can be used to help inform the improvement of leadership skills throughout the prosthetics manufacturing organization.


Given the case as described, provide an analysis of Eduardo’s situation as it currently exists and recommend steps he can take to help transform his leadership style.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Define the following leadership skills and explain why Eduardo should focus on developing each of these:

Strategic thinking

Emotional intelligence

Communication skills

Describe two actionable steps Eduardo should take towards developing these leadership skills and explain how each step might help improve his situation.

Explain how Eduardo can utilize the flywheel effect to transform his leadership style and identify the tasks he should perform to promote gradual improvement that provides tangible evidence his strategy is yielding results. Support your response.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit a Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. This assignment must be 2 to 4 pages in length and include references cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Eduardo's Leadership Transformation.
Eduardo's Leadership Transformation.
Leadership in any organization is one of the most essential things in ensuring that the organization achieves its goals and objectives. Great leadership and organizational success are directly proportional. Developing an authentic and effective leadership style is paramount to the prosperity of an organization. Eduardo, a newly appointed manager in a prosthetics manufacturing company, is determined to enhance his leadership abilities following constructive feedback that has pinpointed areas requiring improvement. This essay aims to assess Eduardo's predicament, identify essential leadership skills he should prioritize refining, suggest practical measures for his advancement, and delve into the concept of the flywheel effect as a means to transform his leadership approach.
Analysis of Eduardo's Situation:
Strategic thinking
Strategic thinking is a valuable skill that involves analyzing intricate circumstances, forecasting forthcoming obstacles, and formulating inventive resolutions. Eduardo's aptitude for swiftly recognizing solutions can be advantageous; however, it can also present challenges if the organization needs to prepare to implement them. By emphasizing strategic thinking, Eduardo can harmonize his problem-solving capabilities with the organization’s objectives and consider the broader context. This approach will allow him to evaluate the organization's preparedness and prevent any disconnection with his team (Weberg & Davidson, 2019). It is through strategic thinking that a leader is able to foresee or forecast the future of business and properly anticipate it through implementing changes that can help the organization remain afloat and competitive in the years to come. Eduardo needs to embrace and perfect strategic thinking as a leader, so as to unlock opportunities for the organization.
Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence encompasses comprehending and controlling one's emotions and skillful interaction with others. Through emotional intelligence, one can embrace self-awareness and the thought process of others in a given context. A leader needs to have emotional intelligence to properly manage a team by understanding exactly what motivates them and hence to conceptualize the elements of employee productivity. Emotionally intelligent leaders can detect conflict and issues from a mile away and come up with ways to tackle them to the satisfaction of every employee. Eduardo's discontent arising from the organization's and his team's unresponsiveness indicates a requirement to work on his emotional intelligence. It is also so unfortunate that he does not seem to really care much about taking some time to check out on the members of his team to get a grip on their experiences and challenges. By nurturing his emotional intelligence, Eduardo can foster empathy, active listening, and the adaptability to tailor his communication approach to diverse individuals. Consequently, he will be able to forge more robust connections, instill confidence, and effectively address his team's feelings of insecurity and frustration (Weberg & Davidson, 2019). Looking upon the bigger picture, it can help ensure more collaboration in the workplace.
Communication skills
Successful leadership relies heavily on effective communication. It is worth noting that communication is a two way process that entails listening and responding, in addition to the other nonverbal cues. Eduardo's supervisor has highlighted a recurring issue wherein he disregards alternative perspectives and neglects to listen to others. Enhancing Eduardo's communication abilities is paramount for him to participate with his team actively, appreciate their contributions, and cultivate an atmosphere of collaboration. By actively engaging in active listening, offering constructive feedback, and maintaining transparent communication, Eduardo can foster open dialog...
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