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How Can Disney Improve Their Business Strategy?

Essay Instructions:

This is a group project, need to analyze on Disney, you only have to do my part, which is "How can they improve their business strategy? ", Doesn't have to be too complicated, make it easy. Need to find the sources online. Thanks

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How can Disney improve their business strategy?
The Disney Company is one of the best-managed companies in the world. However, just like other companies, Disney must keep on changing its business strategy to meet the demands of the ever-changing market. The improvements must consider the changing behavior of customers and changes in the theater industry. However, any business strategy must include art, science, and craft, which are important in decision making. Therefore, any strategy aimed at improving Disney’s business strategy must address customer satisfaction through product differentiation, and customer focus.
A customer may find a product appealing, the price reasonable and the product or service high-quality, therefore, being satisfied with the service and product. However, gaining the loyalty of that same customer is a whole different matter. Therefore, considering the strong competition that Disney faces from CBS and other companies, means of satisfying customers must be changed from time to time. As a result, Disney should enhance its process of understanding the customer’s emotions, wants, needs, and the general understanding they have about the company. Imai (2013) argues that wants and needs are what one company can use to differentiate from the industry competition and gain loyal customers.
Furthermore, quality services or products do not originate from a normal transaction, but from using the right guidelines and standards in understanding the customer’s expectations. The majority of the customers are children. Consequently, Disney’s management can establish unique quality standards used to measure customer satisfaction by understanding the relationship between children age and products they desire. For instance, by resolving to increase its entertainment offering, children and parents will have the opportunity to decide how much of ...
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