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The Difference Between Employee Empowerment and Authority Delegation

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Explain what is meant by the empowerment of employees, how it differs from delegation of authority, and in what ways the empowerment of employees can aid the cause of good strategy execution.

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Employees’ Empowerment and Authority Delegation Paper
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Employees’ Empowerment and Authority Delegation Paper
Besides all the intellectual and physical resources, employees are nowadays viewed as invaluable company resources. Organizational managers consider human resources’ ultimate utilization as the highest considerable factor. Companies do this by empowering workers as part of management approaches that benefit the company from many perspectives. The art of authority delegation is also an emerging resource for an effective manager. In authority delegation, managers relinquish some of their responsibilities to a subordinate to achieve the objectives for efficient service delivery. Both empowerment and authority delegation is essential for companies seeking superior performance. This paper defines employee empowerment, examines how it differs from the delegation of authority, and discusses the ways employees’ empowerment can support exemplary strategy implementation.
What is Meant by Empowerment of Employees?
Employee empowerment is a context or situation where the workers are facilitated to make effective decisions without the top management’s interruptions. It is the art of developing self-efficacy feelings via a specific managerial style. In a management context, employee empowerment is intrinsic or person-environment fit reflective motivation. Empowerment can also be defined as the transfer of authority or power, including sharing information and resources with subordinates (Hasan, 2020). Hirsch (2020) defines employee empowerment as a management philosophy emphasizing providing workers with the support, resources, and autonomy they need to perform their duties independently while being accountable for their decisions. In addition, empowerment implies providing employees with discretion concerning some task-related functions. It can be conceptualized as the power transfer from the employer to the employee. Employee empowerment emphasizes motivation, shared decision-making processes, and the cultivation of trust within the organization. Empowered employees have the decision-making authority, thus fostering their commitment, satisfaction, and motivation and enhancing their ability to address customers' needs (Vu, 2020) effectively. In other words, employee empowerment implies giving the staff the authority to perform their routine roles.
The Difference Between Employee Empowerment and Authority Delegation
Authority delegation is a subject of employee empowerment. In other words, delegating authority generates a sense of empowerment in the employee. Delegation is particularly crucial in the current Covid-19 crisis where employees work remotely. It empowers their autonomy to make decisions regarding work and thus makes it easier for management to control their teams. In order to understand the difference between employee empowerment and delegation of authority, it is increasingly necessary to make meaning of the latter. In this vein, the delegation of authority acknowledges that the leader is not an all-knowing individual who can perform every function anywhere and anytime. It anticipates that the leader will face problems that consume their energy and time. In this way, it becomes increasingly challenging for the leader to address these issues single-handedly and, therefore, needs to pass some decision-making autonomy to other people or subordinates (Abun et al., 2021). The above arguments provide the meaning of authority delegation within contemporary organizations.
Empowerment emanates from the need to develop others. That said, empowerment emphasizes the individual to ensure they become better. Consequently, empowerment leads the subordinate or follower to implement better their functions or tasks (Rajal, 2021). On the other side, delegation emphasizes releasing power and sharing the power to subordinates to ensure they make decisions on the leader’s behalf. Unlike empowerment, authority delegation does not emphasize improving subordinates’ skills and competencies to excel in their job. In authority delegation, leaders motivate subordinates psychologically and provide meaning to their presence within the firm because they have made significant contributions to the organization’s life. In the long ru...
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