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Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan: A Kitchen Garden Service

Essay Instructions:

Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan

The purpose of the assignment is to provide you the experience of creating a unique E-Commerce solution.  You are forming an e-Commerce company to take advantage of the opportunities in the e-marketplace and will author a Business Plan for that venture.

Your choice of firm may include any industry, business, or service. Your report can involve the sale of products or services. This report provides extreme latitude for creativity and demonstration of your mastery of course objectives, in addition to relevant topics studied through secondary available source through published reports, journals and magazine's.

Guidelines: Your Business Plan should follow this basic outline, plus include any content unique to your choice of product or service. Your plan should demonstrate your understanding of concepts of e-commerce covered by course readings, lectures, and peer reviewed journals. Your business plan should discuss all strategies needed for the creation of an e-commerce site.

I.   Executive Summary  (100-200 Words)
II.  Business Description  (250-300 Words)
     a. Products / Services Offered
     b. Mission Statement
     c. Industry
     d. Business Goals and Objectives
     e. Business Models – Revenue and Payment Models
III. Marketing (250-300 Words)
     a. Market Analysis / Market Forecast
     b. Target Markets
     c. Marketing Strategy
IV. Competitor Analysis  (250-300 Words)
     a. Competition
     b. Strengths and Weaknesses
     c. Competitive Advantage
V.  Conclusion (250-300 Words)
VI. References

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan
Author's Name
The Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
Table of Contents
TOC \o \h \z \u I.   Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc99969436 \h 3
Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan PAGEREF _Toc99969437 \h 4
II. Business Description PAGEREF _Toc99969438 \h 4
a.Products / Services Offered PAGEREF _Toc99969439 \h 4
b.Mission Statement PAGEREF _Toc99969440 \h 4
c.Industry PAGEREF _Toc99969441 \h 4
d.Business Goals and Objectives PAGEREF _Toc99969442 \h 4
e.Business Models – Revenue and Payment Models PAGEREF _Toc99969443 \h 5
a. Market Analysis / Market Forecast PAGEREF _Toc99969444 \h 6
b. Target Markets PAGEREF _Toc99969445 \h 6
c. Marketing Strategy PAGEREF _Toc99969446 \h 6
a. Competition PAGEREF _Toc99969447 \h 7
i. PAGEREF _Toc99969448 \h 7
ii. PAGEREF _Toc99969449 \h 7
b. Strengths and Weaknesses PAGEREF _Toc99969450 \h 7
c. Competitive Advantage PAGEREF _Toc99969451 \h 8
V. Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc99969452 \h 8
References PAGEREF _Toc99969453 \h 10
I.   Executive Summary
The subsequent paper contains an e-commerce business plan of the kitchen gardening Service Company that offers e-services to set up organic kitchen gardens at homes without using fertilizers or chemicals. The website will offer online services to all its members, including providing guidance to grow several vegetables and fruits and providing seeds and gardening kits. Expert suggestions about different plants, cultivation methods, soil, seasons, and care instructions will be provided to grow the plants in the most favorable conditions. The plan also discusses different business models used by the company to achieve its goals. It discusses the marketing strategy of the business and the target market for the company. The report explains the competition analysis and business strengths and weaknesses.
Developing an E-Commerce Business Plan
II. Business Description
* Products / Services Offered
The business will offer online services through the company's website The customers need to be registered with the website, which requires one-time membership to access the features and support by the expert panel at the website. The product offered by the company include seeds, gardening kits, supplies, plants, pots, garden tools, planting accessories, plant supports, soils, and planters.
* Mission Statement
The mission statement for the business is "educating and promoting healthy kitchen garden activities to foster positive food habits among children and adults."
* Industry
People today are more concerned about their health and fitness, and they prefer healthy food and supplies. The kitchen garden concept is increasing rapidly due to a shift towards organic food (Priya & Parameswari, 2016). The gardening industry comprises several companies and businesses which provide a range of garden services. The local shops and large firms offer various products and services that help maintain gardens and lawns. The majority of businesses are engaged in providing landscape maintenance services. The other offers seeds, plants, tools, kits, and accessories. The industry has not grown to its fullest yet, but the supplies are available in the market.
* Business Goals and Objectives
The business goals are to educate people, build awareness regarding kitchen gardening and convey its benefits to the individual, society, environment, and economy. The online company aims at improving the skills of the people to grow fresh vegetables and fruits without using chemicals or pesticides. So the business provides high-quality seeds and supplies and guidance and support through an online channel to grow seasonal vegetables and fruits in your homes.
The company's objective is to reach a greater number of audience through e-commerce platforms and involve more and more people in the activity, which has numerous benefits for the societies. It is a healthy activity that improves health, reduces stress, and promotes physical well-being and financial and economic benefits to the communities.
* Business Models – Revenue and Payment Models
The business model for the respective online business is B2C. The company will operate on a B2C model where it sells directly to consumers without any intermediary. The revenue model used by the company comprises three different models (Sridharan, 2020), which include;
* Advertising Revenue Model
The company will serve as a digital platform for other businesses as well, where it allows other advertisers to post their ads for the visitors to follow. This model will help the company to earn revenue through its advertisers.
* Subscription Revenue Model
The subscription revenue model allows the e-commerce business to earn through subscription or membership fees. Organic kitchen garden requires members to get membership against one-time membership fees. The company will earn revenues through this revenue model as well.
* Sales Revenue Model
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