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Line Manager's Responsibility and the Basic Functions of Management

Essay Instructions:


BZ420B Human Resource Management

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Part A

  1. Describe three (3) factors that are a line manager’s responsibility as it pertains to effective human resource management and provide one (1) original example of each.
  2. Describe the five (5) basic functions of management and provide one (1) original example that illustrates each.

Part B

  1. Explain the five (5) types of union security agreements and provide (1) one example for each.
  2. Describe the three (3) laws governing unions and provide (1) one example that illustrates each.
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Human Resource Management
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Human Resource Management: Part A
Line Manager's Responsibility
Human resources play a significant role in making the business viable and operations effective. Line managers are critical components of human resources with definite responsibilities. They are the first management layer responsible for ensuring all the departmental activities are successfully initiated and completed. The key responsibilities of the line managers are:
Employee Training and Development
The line managers play a significant role in developing curricula and delivering effective skills to the newly acquired employees through training and development. They identify suitable training alternatives that suit new employees (Dessler, 2013). The line managers may also assess the employee needs to identify significant gaps to achieve higher job quality. An original example is a line manager orienting the new employees in the workplace after allowing them to state their common skills.
Compensation and Benefits
The line managers also play a significant role in providing compensation and benefits to the employees by considering specific guidelines. For instance, they manage the medical leave processes and advise the department managers to uphold employee rights (Dessler, 2013). The line managers also provide key benefits such as retirement plans to enhance employee satisfaction and maintain the organization's brand image. The original examples include maternity leaves and life insurance provisions.
Labor Relations and Employee Relations
The third function of the line managers involves promoting labor relations and employee relations. They achieve effective employee relations by addressing workplace complaints without bias (Dessler, 2013). Besides, the labor relations aspect is considered by establishing labor union contracts and sustaining different bargaining agreements. The role is significant since it determines the relationship between the employees, management, and the labor unions. An original example is whereby a line manager resolves employee misconduct to improve their wellbeing.
Basic Functions of Management
The five basic functions of management include:
Planning is a key function of management. It is essential since it allows the management to complete the succeeding tasks and projects. It refers to establishing a sustainable course of action based on qualitative decision-making to achieve future goals (Stewart & Brown, 2019). Planning is an essential management function that promotes human resource conservation. Lastly, it prevents future issues, risks, and uncertainties. An original example of a planning process is a company establishing a new business by analyzing the future and agreeing on the budget for the project.
Organizing combines human, financial, and physical resources to establish a reliable relationship and achieve organizational goals. Organizing as a key function is also critical since all the functional business requirements, including tools and materials, are handled through this process. It takes a specific process that involves identifying activities, classifying, assigning, delegating, and coordinating authority (Stewart & Brown, 2019). An original example of an organizing process is a line manager providing a promotion strategy after a junior employee has been assigned a marketing role.
Staffing involves the manning of the organizational structure. A manager must ensure that the right employee is given the right work for quality production. It can be conducted by selecting, appraising, and developing the personnel. The major staffing duties are promotion, remuneration, and recruitment (Stewart & Brown, 2019). An original example involves a line manager screening and assessing the employees to ensure they are located at the right positions in the organizational structur...
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