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Develop an Equality and Diversity Policy Paper

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Develop an Equality and Diversity Policy Paper

In his book, "Equality of Opportunity," author John Roemer posits there are two views of equality of opportunity. The first is the nondiscrimination principle. The nondiscrimination principle states that in the competition for positions in society, individuals should be judged only on attributes relevant to the performance of the duties. Characteristics such as race or sex should not be taken into account. The second states that society should do what it can to level the playing field among persons who compete for positions, especially during their formative years, so that all those who have the relevant potential attributes can be considered.

What is common to both situations is that at some point, the principle of equal opportunity holds individuals accountable for the achievements of particular objectives, whether they be education, employment, health, or income. As a leader, you must understand these two viewpoints. Using the organization you created in Module 1, develop your organization's Equality and Diversity Policy. Your policy will explain your attitudes and values towards equality and diversity in the workplace. It will outline what your primary aims are for removing prejudice and inequality, and how you will improve your workplace in terms of fair treatment, i.e., by: (The company I created: The Spruill Company is a family-owned company located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. This location was chosen as it is an up-and-coming area in North Carolina that has potential for business and economic growth. While the founder, Katisha Spruill is originally from North Carolina it was important to have the business headquartered in North Carolina.

The purpose of The Spruill Company is to serve as a resource to entrepreneurs and business owners by providing start-up services, accounting and tax services, legal formation, and even financial support. By way of assessment The Spruill Company reviews applications submitted by entrepreneurs and business owners to determine which businesses are best suited for The Spruill Company to partner with. Having obtained a reputation in the business community The Spruill Company is a respected business known to deliver on its promise. It is the reputation that drives business and is allowing it to thrive even with minimal marketing.

Diversity can be perceived as a challenging task to manage however, is a necessity in an organization. As the workforce continues to evolve as does the need for education and implementation of methods in the workplace. Diversity outlines areas that are different among people, as often people are more inclined to gravitate to those who are like themselves. Some of the challenges in diversity faced by The Spruill Company are location and that it is a minority owned and managed business. North Carolina has a long history of not welcoming diversity, and the community of Rocky Mount is no stranger to its own lack of diversity. The Spruill Company intends to lead by example in modeling methods of diversity and inclusion in its hiring practices, workplace policies, and operations. The company believes that leading by example means it should be inclusive of having a variety of workers committed to the organization mission. What that looks like is a strategic team analyzed all the operations and processes and was sure to create positions that could be tailored for most employees to work. This is important to be inclusive of the working abilities across the workforce. )

Creating a positive and supportive working environment for all staff and customers.

Protecting employees from being discriminated against because of one or more of the protected characteristics that apply to them.

Providing equal opportunity for everyone in the workforce, no matter their background or characteristics.

Promoting the diversity of the workforce.

Responding to changing demographics and working patterns, e.g., employers being flexible with work to retain valuable employees who have specific needs and meet customer demands.

Recommended Steps on How to Write an Equality Diversity Policy:

To begin the policy, write a statement that outlines your organization’s commitment to equality; that explains, you aim to create a diverse workforce, promote positivity, and instills a can-do attitude in everyone, no matter their background or characteristics.

Following this paragraph, identify that your employment will not discriminate on the grounds of any protected characteristics. This demonstrates your understanding of the protected characteristics; that you can identify them; that you will not be biased, or have reservations based on them. Explicitly state that you oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.

Then, outline the type of work environment your establishment aims to create, i.e., free of discrimination and prejudice. Make it clear that everyone will be treated fairly, with respect, and given equal opportunity in every aspect of their functional role.

State that, when selecting for employment, promotion, training, or anything of this nature, it will be based on the individual’s own merits. Their aptitude and ability will determine their suitability for the role; it will not be affected by any of the protected characteristics.

You could then give a list of bullet points that sum up your principal attitudes, values, and aims where equality and diversity is concerned, such as one stating that you desire to create an environment in which individual differences and how everyone contributes are recognized and valued.

Reinforce your sentiments and your intolerance towards discrimination – including the fact that disciplinary action will be taken against those that breach your policy.

And lastly, state that the policy is active; that it will be monitored and reviewed annually.

Submission Requirements:

Your submission should be 4-6 pages in length (not including title or reference pages) and be formatted according to the CSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).

Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research.

You must include a minimum of 6 credible, academic, or professional references beyond the text or other course materials (at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed from the CSU Global Library).

You may wish to review the Template Paper (Links to an external site.) for help formatting your essay according to the requirements.

If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Equality and Diversity Policy Paper
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Course Number: Course Name
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Equality and Diversity Policy Paper
The demand for workplace diversity programs is growing due to differences and similarities among the employees within contemporary organizations. Although there are federal regulations to prohibit workplace and employee prejudice, Kartisha Spruill is at the forefront to promote equality and diversity in various methods that assist the firms to become more inclusive. Spruill organizations define inclusion and convey diverse principles to current and potential employees, in addition to legal issues. We recognize that hiring a diverse team displays our commitment to diversity and equality. We must go out to various populations to demonstrate our devotion to non-discriminatory hiring, in addition to establishing knowledge of equal chances (Sarfaz et al., 2018). To get support, Spruill works with a variety of organizations. We visit job fairs oriented at different communities, advertise job openings in various newspapers, and seek referrals from schools and universities for various individuals.
We have made it mandatory for all employees to participate in training to encourage equality and diversity in the workplace. To establish a more culturally competent organization, we educate staff about microaggressions. To support the formation of an inclusive climate, we address stereotype challenges. Spruill also works hard to attract and keep a diverse workforce by providing a welcoming work atmosphere that promotes our cultural awareness. We educate and train so that we may all grow as a diverse team within our organization. We have a defined mechanism in place for dealing with prejudice issues. Spruill has a separate office dedicated to hearing and investigating complaints. Equal opportunity complaints are also kept under the human resources department (Huang et al. 2019). If a biased event occurs, all employees are informed of the workplace expectations and register a complaint. We understand that when complaints are addressed with fairness, equality, and diversity in mind, employees better understand our principles.
The federal government guarantees that equality is upheld by enacting rules that protect job applicants from discrimination based on national origin, skin color, religious beliefs, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, or genetic characteristics. Anyone who files a complaint with our office is given further protection. One of the benefits of a successful equality strategy is that it protects both employees and the organization (Kemper et al., 2018). A comprehensive investigation, fast handling, and a transparent resolution are all part of the complaint procedure. We will use a passive education program to enhance inclusivity in the organization. To train our staff about inclusiveness and cultural competency, we will use posters, electronic information sharing models, as well as table tents. We will also send out a weekly email with a mini-lesson on inclusivity practices to emphasize the necessity of ongoing education. Spruill’s management makes it a point to incorporate equality and diversity in our purpose. In most visible spots throughout our business premises will proudly express our mission and diversity goals. To promote a diverse workplace, we consider incorporating training sessions and principles into newsletters and other messaging platforms.
We support equality by guaranteeing that our company executives act as influencers and ambassadors for the cause. Management has facilitated regular conversations regarding diversity and includes special training sessions in organizational meetings. We value the importance of justice and diversity to our organization. To realize how vital it is to our organization, executives devote funds for training, hiring processes, and employee incentives. One of the most effective strategies to promote equality is to lead by example (Sarfaz et al., 2018). The organization also upholds strategic practices and po...
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