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Current Issues in Management Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

You are required to evaluate a company’s Sustainability practices against theory and best practice

You are to research the company using secondary sources and to make justified conclusions and recommendations based on the issues evaluated.

The report should be approximately 2,000 words in length and must involve a review of academic theory on the issues covered

Please read the files I droped and choose a company to finish this essay.


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Current Issues In Management
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Current Issues In Management
Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to show the best practices and theories that Dunbia has applied to achieve sustainability. The main objective of the research is to analyze the various practices that organizations use to become sustainable. These practices will be related to those used by Dunbia to evaluate how the company has achieved sustainability. The information used to evaluate sustainability in Dunbia was obtained from different secondary sources. These sources provided sufficient information to analyze how Dunbia adheres to market and non-market forces to become sustainable. According to the information gathered, Dunbia has implemented many strategies to make it sustainable. The main areas covered by the sustainability programs are climate change, resource management, international standards, and biodiversity.
The objective of this paper is to show how Dunbia has implemented various practices to achieve sustainability. It will discuss how the company has reduced climatic change causes to create sustainability in the industry. The paper will further outline the resource management visions that have played a role in achieving sustainability. This will be followed by an outline of how the company complies with international standards and biodiversity to achieve sustainability. These concepts are important because they indicate Dunbia's efforts to achieve sustainability. Through sustainability, the company has been able to express corporate social responsibility, operate in a conducive environment, and succeed in different economic situations.
These concepts are important to organizations because they help investors know more about the company they wish to invest in.
The report will analyze how a business's environment, corporate social responsibility, economic, market, and non-market factors contribute to its sustainability. It will further analyze how Dunbia has incorporated these concepts into achieving sustainability. The main focus will be on Dunbia's sustainability programs, such as climate change, resource management, international standards, and biodiversity.
Information was collected from secondary sources. The sources were analyzed to obtain secondary data regarding the factors that facilitate sustainability in organizations. Some of the sources are specific about Dunbia's sustainability programs. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected to provide more insight into the topic.
Dunbia was founded in 1976, and its headquarters are located in Dungannon in Northern Ireland. The company is among the leading retailers in the red meat processing industry. Dunbia operates by sourcing and manufacturing pork, lamb, and beef products for commercial and retail locally and internationally. The company aims to produce food naturally and to supply it in different parts of the world. Their business is based on the trust and integrity of manufacturing and selling quality meat products obtained from sustainable sources. The food industry has raised many concerns regarding its contribution to climatic change. Dunbia, being one of the largest companies in the food industry, has its concerns about operating in a conducive business environment where it does not negatively impact climate. Another concern is the issue of meeting competition from upcoming companies. The meat processing industry is among the largest in the food sector. Therefore, it has become a lucrative business for many investors. The high number of new entrants creates an issue for Dunbia regarding its sustainability. Government regulations and societal perceptions also play a huge role in determining Dunbia's sustainability programs.
Sustainability theoretical review
Economic sustainability is one of the significant aspects that every organization should focus on. Various economic sustainability angles determine whether an organization will achieve sustainability or not (Worthington, Britton, and Thompson, 2018). Among them is smart growth, which is highly facilitated by a reduction in production costs. This means the organization should implement strategies that reduce production costs, such as having an effective supply chain. Delays in transportation and poor storage can increase the production cost. The company will not perform as expected because it will have huge losses to cater for. Most organizations achieve economic sustainability by focusing on the effectiveness of their supply chain. Economic sustainability within a company is its ability to support a specific production level without straining its resources. Once the resources are not being used as planned, the organization's performance will be affected, thus reducing its efficiency to achieve sustainability (Trott, 2012). For instance, poor storage in the food industry could result in huge losses and delays in delivering products. Such delays highly contribute to a reduction in market share, thus affecting the company's performance.
The market and non-market forces also have a huge contribution to an organization's sustainability capabilities. The government facilitates sustainability by setting regulations that every business ought to follow. Failure to comply with the set regulations could result in the closure of the business. These regulations range from domestic to international. Therefore, if a business plans to operate on the global market, it must comply with all the international trade regulations.
An example is when companies operating in the global markets are expected to comply with specific environmental measures (Worthington, Britton, and Thompson, 2018). If the company does not obtain a certification indicating its compliance with such measures, it will not operate in the international market. Society and media also have an impact on an organization's ability to achieve sustainability. Organizations have to meet societal standards such as the provision of quality products to remain sustainable. The provision of such products requires a business to adopt modern technologies in the production process. These technologies are designed to cut production costs and improve the quality of the final product.
Corporate social responsibility is another concept that high influences sustainability. Through corporate social responsibility, organiz...
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