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Culture and HR Management: Organizations in India vs. United Kingdom

Essay Instructions:


As the newly promoted vice president of human resources (HR), you are an influential member of the decision-making team that will select a country for global expansion.
For this assignment, follow the instructions below.
-Develop a chart to compare and contrast the cultures of two specific countries to which your organization is looking to expand. The two countries must be on different continents, and you must use a minimum of 10 criteria from established cultural frameworks.
-Write a 500-word synopsis of how culture impacts HR management in a global organization.
-Identify two employment laws for each of the two countries you are considering for expansion.
-Explain the significance of the laws and how they differ from U.S. laws or laws in your state.
-Evaluate how each law could affect your hiring process and/or organization in general.
-Identify which of the two countries you will recommend for the global expansion of your organization.
-Write a 500-word synopsis in which you summarize why you selected that country.
-Explain how this choice will benefit your organization.
-Finally, develop a hiring strategy for the new location, taking into consideration what you have learned about the country’s laws and culture.

You must use at least three sources to support your project. All sources must be properly cited. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment.

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Culture: India and the United Kingdom
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Culture: India and the United Kingdom
India is one of the most populous countries in South Asia and also among the top ten largest countries in the world. The chart below compares and contrasts the national cultures of India and the United Kingdom, based on the Hofstede's Model of National Culture that has five dimensions: power distance, individualism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, and long and short term orientation (OpenStax, 2019).


United States


India exhibits traits of both collectivism and individualism with collectivism being the dominant trait.

The United Kingdom of one of the world's leading individualistic countries.


Decision making is more of a collective responsibility rather than being an individual affair in an organizational setting

The decision of an individual often takes precedence.


Business thrives where personal relationships are perceived to be upheld

Business success is highly valued over interpersonal relationships


India has a relatively high power distance. The unequal distribution of power is of no concern

The United Kingdom has a lower power distribution score. There is an expectation of equal distribution of power across the organizations.


A hierarchical organizational structure works best in organizations operating in India.

The most prominent organizational structure is the one is decentralized


Members of society and organizations are accustomed to a top-down management model approach

Bottom-up management model where the members of society or organization have equal voices in decision making.


India is a moderately masculine society, regulated by the numerous religious philosophies

The United Kingdom is a highly masculine society, where the society or organization is defined by its competitiveness and the level of success


Working hours are driven by better working conditions and greater work-life balance. Often work fewer hours

Working hours are driven by pay and success. Often working long hours for higher pay


India is a country dominated by religion and traditions, thus the country scores low on long-term orientation.

The United Kingdom is recognized as a western tradition and therefore scores favorably in long-term orientation. The decision is not often tied to past outcomes.


The uncertainty avoidance in India is generally low.

Similarly, uncertainty avoidance is low.


Innovativeness is highly valued

Innovativeness is highly valued

Culture and HR Management in Global Organizations
From an organizational point of view, culture signifies the set of beliefs and norms that the key players in an organization are accustomed to (Bayanova et al., 2019). The human aspect defines culture in an organization related to the behavioral and personal attributes of individuals or groups. Culture is also a significant attribute in the external environment where organizations operate, in particular the societal norms and practices of the community where the organization is established. Culture, therefore, plays a crucial role in shaping the human resource management of an organization, and the stakes are even high for a multinational company because of the highly diverse workforce. Human resource management has to factor in the cultural influences of work-related attitudes when organizing a multinational workforce and policy enactment and implementation.
Different cultures have different values and attitudes that may influence their perception to work. The work environment's influence on a person's perception of the work is replicated with the person's attributes. A ton of research data points towards the direct relationship between cultural background and a person's attitudes towards work, and it varies significantly across different cultures (Moghimi, 2018). Different cultures have varying beliefs that may impact how they carry out their work. In a study by Asutay et al. (2021), the researchers found that Islamic spirituality positively influenced organizational commitment and job satisfaction. In this case, therefore, when managing cultures characterized by Islamic spirituality, a human resource manager may consider creating a workplace environment that promotes religion. This would lead to better job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which are integral to the smooth running of a company. It is also vital that the human manager understands how the interaction of one culture with another in the work environment impacts performance. As such, the human resource managers in the global business environment need an in-depth understanding of the different cultures in the different countries to ensure that correct work-related attitudes that significantly impact a company's productivity are attained. This further highlights the complexity of managing human resources in global organizations.
The human resource manager is often tasked with assembling a team of expatriates and locals to work in a multinational company. The influence that individual cultural differences have on the management of an organization, especially the workforce, is undisputed from the most basic facets of culture, such as language. People from different nations and cultures present varying attributes that may influence the coordination of a workforce, and an HRM may need mastery of the different cultures to assemble an effective workforce working in a foreign culture. People from different cultures respond differently to the different policies and strategic measures that human resources might employ to increase workforce efficiency, such as pay incentives. Human resource management needs readjustments in terms of recruitment and adequate alteration in some of the strategic measures often employed to enhance employee productivity and policy implementation.
Employment Laws in India and United Kingdom
India has two levels of government: central and state government, which are both mandated with the enactment of legislation governing employment and labor relations. Two prominent labor legislation in India about employment include the Indian Contract Act 1872 and the Factories Act 1948.
The Indian Contract Act defines a contract as an agreement between the employer and employee, enforceable by law. The terms of employment enforced by the Indian Contract Act can be either temporary or permanent, and the agreement can be reached through oral or written communication. The F...
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