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Cultural And International Human Resource Development

Essay Instructions:

A good place to start are these this short interactive tutorial and video below which will give you a brief introduction to some of the main concepts of human resource management. Pay close attention to the concepts of hiring host country nationals, expatriates (parent country nationals), and third country nationals. Also, pay close attention to the concept of ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric human resource management

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1 British computer company
Due to aggressive competition globally most companies have decided to keep their manufacturing process a secret. Thanks to advanced technology companies have secret ways through which they process the best products in the market. For example, a British computer company may be in possession of a secret manufacturing technology. In the case of expansion they may, want to protect the secret so that it does not fall into the hands of the competition (Rao, 2010). To successfully achieve this, the company will rely on the parent country nationals hiring style. This is whereby the nationality of the top employees is the same with that of the firm. The firm hires the top management level from the country the company is based instead on hiring people from the host nation. This can prove to be beneficial for the technology company because its secrets will be safeguarded and there will be no need to expose the secret to other parties.
According to a recently concluded research, this is the best way through which organization can ensure that their secret manufacturing ingredients are not released to the public. The main goal of an organization is to make a profit while ensuring that the stakeholders remain happy. The only way of doing this is to ensure that the company always outdoes its competition. If the company fails to register profits, it will lead to its downfall. Many believe that hiring people from the parent nation will ensure that the interests of the home office are well represented. The people from the host country may not fully understand the goals of the home office maybe because of cultural differences, but the representatives from the parent country have a clear understanding of the company’s objectives.
2 American beverage company
Hofstede tries to explain culture and its importance and how it can contradict people and lead to differences. The American company must realize that there will be a change in the culture of the surrounding. People living and France has different cultures compared to those in the United States. India, on the other hand, is widely revered for the diverse cultures that the people practice. The difference in culture can lead to the downfall of an organization. To successfully deal with this problem the organization needs to be careful with its hiring strategy. It should only leave the top-executive offices for employees who hail from the same country as the firm. One senior position should be awarded to an individual from the host nation. The position of the local employee with has little effect on the running of the organization. The main purpose of the one executive officer is to ensure that the culture is understood and does not conflict.
The geocentric style of hiring could be the most effective in this case. Currently, there is a lot of competition in the beverage industry, and this type of hiring would be most efficient. This is whereby the most qualified individuals are hired irrespective of their nationality (Rao, 2010). In this form of hiring the management does not ca...
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