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Cultural Differences between Switzerland and America

Essay Instructions:
  1. Go to the Hofstede webpage and look up the values of individualism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance for both your chosen country and for the United States. What are the main differences between national culture in the U.S. and your chosen country? What implications might these differences have on doing business in your country?
  2. What other information besides Hofstede have you been able to find about culture in your country?  How do these aspects of culture impact doing business in your country?
  3. Overall, does the national culture of your country make it easy or difficult to business? What cultural pitfalls might an American company investing in your country face?
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Cultural Differences between Switzerland and America
Institutional Affiliation
Cultural differences play a major role in international business. Doing business in another country requires a good understanding of the business culture existing in the country wants to do business. This piece of writing attempts to bring out cultural differences between Switzerland and America. It highlights the Hofstede’s model of cultural dimension in explaining the cultural difference between the two countries.
By looking at power distance, Switzerland are slightly lower than the United states unlike in individualism where the difference between the two countries is quite huge. However, Switzerland scores high in masculinity and uncertainty avoidance compared to the U.S (Varvouzou & Zasepa, 2013). This therefore implies that Switzerland and the U.S value equal rights and decentralization of power with encouragement of direct communication among business partners. Considering power distance, it is easier for an American to carry out business in the U.S since both countries consider equal rights as an important culture (Martin & Chaney, 2012).
America has a high individualism score compared to Switzerland meaning that America has high independence characterized with a huge focus on personal goals. This means that the United States encourage an open door policy where employees can also make decision on their own and enjoy freedom of expression (Varvouzou & Zasepa, 2013). The United States encourages directness in communication and open door policy compared to Switzerland. However, because Switzerland also leans towards individualism, it may not be very hard to carry out business in the country. There may only be a slight difference because America scores higher than Switzerland (Martin & Chaney, 2012). Values and self-construal are more or less the same because both the countries have similar focus with Americans having a straight-to-the point with more extreme response style compared to Switzerland.
Looking at masculinity, Switzerland scores higher than the U. S implying that Switzerland experiences a higher degree of differentiation compared to the U.S. Switzerland has more assertive kind of communication and tend to look for the strongest opinion with less modesty a...
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