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Assignment 1: Cultural Integration in Merger Companies

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Culture

Due Week 2 and worth 200 points

Imagine you work for a company that has recently merged with a global company. Write a brief introduction to your company as well as the company that merged with the company . Then develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist detailing what steps you would take as the HR manager to help unify the culture of both companies.

Create two (2) company introductions and develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist in which you:

Give a succinct overview of your fictitious company.

Give a succinct overview of the fictitious company merged with.

Develop an eight to ten (8-10) point checklist of steps you would take to unify company culture.

Explain your rationale for choosing each of the steps in your checklist.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

a. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date.

c. Use APA formatting to reference your work, including in-text references when necessary. See the APA Guide located in the Student Center tab.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Determine the nature of globalization, cultures, and labor markets, and assess the impact on human Capital management (HRM).

Use technology and information resources to research issues in global HRM.

Write clearly and concisely about global HRM using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cultural Integration in Merger CompaniesNameProfessor’s nameCourse TitleDateIntroduction
Our company Americana Foods Inc. was founded in the year 1947 by Anthony Walker in Florida. Our headquarters are located in Chicago, Illinois, and we specialize in the manufacture of the fruit-based beverages. Our company is always committed to ensure that our customers who are spread across the globe receive the best from us. Americana Foods Inc. merged with Chicago Beverages as a way of making sure that we can reach a large number of people across the globe. Chicago Beverages was founded in the year 1965. The company specializes in the production of multinational food, beverage, and snacks. The company headquarters are located in Purchase in New York.
Steps to Unify Culture of Both Companies.
1 Begin by setting the cultural integration agenda of the two companies. In this instance, the first thing that is needed is to determine the cultures that we need to match from the two companies. The most important factor that one needs to consider is where the ideal of the greatest value lies among the cultures of the two companies CITATION Dal13 \l 1033 (Dale & Laura, 2013).
2 Identify the differences that matt...
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