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Assignment 2: Strategies for Reduction of Expatriate Turnover

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Expatriates

Due Week 4 and worth 200 points

Imagine you are an HR manager, and you have been challenged with the task of reducing expatriate turnover. Think of one or two (1-2) strategies to accomplish this task, and write a one (1) page memo to your boss summarizing your ideas. Persuade him that this is the direction to go.

Write a one to two (1 to 2) page memo in which you:

Develop two (2) strategies that will help your company reduce expatriate turnover.

Summarize both ideas in memo format to present to your boss.

Create compelling arguments in favor of your solution to persuade your boss.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

Use the APA format to reference your work, including in-text references when necessary. See the APA Guide located in the Student Center tab.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Analyze international business strategy to identify human resource requirements and formulate supporting HRM plans that can improve productivity and contribute to the firm's competitiveness. 

Propose staffing alternatives for foreign operations and address the considerations for the use of expatriates versus localization or third-country nationals.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in global HRM.

Write clearly and concisely about global HRM using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
DATE: October 27, 2017
RE: Strategies for Reduction of Expatriate Turnover
Following the recent rise in expatriate turnover in this company, I have come up with a few strategies that can be used to minimize the turnover and ensure continued productivity and increased company competitiveness. High turnover in the company can affect revenues, employee morale, and the quality of products and services offered by the firm.
First, we can start a re-entry program that will offer support to expatriate on their return from international assignments. This will ensure that they have a smooth transition back to the workplace and return to normalcy with ease. According to Vilet (2012), employees who return from international assignment need to do a lot of catching up on the changes that have taken place in the organization during their absence. They also have to adapt to the new culture which they had forgotten about. It is therefore important that they have a support program that will ensure they are trained on new changes in the management and are able to settle back at the workplace easily. The program can also offer counseling services to the returnees and their families in order to address any emotional or psychological challenges arising from the transition. Moreover, the returned employees can be offered relocation benefits such as assisting them in getting a house and schools for their children once they return from an international assignment.
The second strategy is to offer them avenues and opportunities to utilize the skills and knowledge acquired during the international assignment. This can be done through promotions or giving them a position with similar or more responsibilities as the one offered during the international...
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