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Critical Thinking Assignment Option #1: Mutual Engagement Essay

Essay Instructions:


Read Exhibit 3‐1 Diagnostic Framework, p. 56, in your textbook. (I HAVE ATTACHED PICTURES OF THE EXHIBIT) PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED MORE.


In this self‐reflective assignment, you will select a common organizational framework that can be used to shape mutual engagement and shared diagnosis in an organization of your choice. If you need help in your selection, contact your instructor.

Back up your facts, assumptions, ideas, and claims with 2‐3 scholarly sources that are not required readings in this course. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these resources.

Your paper should be 4‐5 pages in length, well written, and formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking Assignment: Mutual Engagement.
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Critical Thinking Assignment: Mutual Engagement
The turbulent nature of the business environment dictates that organizations must adapt or get wiped out. Today, the business world is changing rapidly, with significant changes in customer trends, technology, and the economy. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations scaled down on their operations, recorded losses, and retrenched some of their workforces. Regardless of the circumstance, businesses must equip themselves with solutions if unforeseen challenges may require change. To successfully implement the changes, business entities need commitment and engagement from all their stakeholders. It is critical to mutual engagement and diagnosis while making the right choice of appropriate organizational framework. This assignment aims to choose an organization and apply one type of change management framework that applies to it and shapes its mutual engagement and shared diagnosis. The chosen business is the Hyatt Hotel Corporation (HHC), while the change model is ADKAR.
The hospitality industry is among the worst hit by the COVID pandemic. While there’s little to be done being that leisure and travel and partially limited, hotels must find a method of coping with the challenge until normalcy is restored. The Hyatt Hotel Corporation was not spared either. While the company's mantra remains to care for people, the company felt the pandemic's impact. Reduced revenues and profits and a generally tough business environment are some of its core challenges. How should they respond to the current and future problems? With the ADKAR change model, the company can call on its stakeholders to come together and identify the vital steps that can influence change and limit resistance (Galli, 2019). According to this model, awareness and desire aim to remove the organization from its present state where the change is needed but not yet started. Knowledge and ability happen during the transition period, whereas reinforcement focuses on the future.
How can the model be used for meaningful change?
Notably, the ADKAR model is outcome-oriented, and it’s among the most influential model used to facilitate change. This happens by setting clear milestones that are easily attainable throughout the process. While waiting for the pandemic storm to calm, HHC can infuse small but little changes in its operations to mitigate the pandemic's impacts.
The first goal is to create awareness and inform every stakeholder why the change needs to happen. Undoubtedly, communicating the need for change is important, however, creating awareness for the needed changes goes beyond making pronouncements. Often, effective change begins with actions and not solutions (Galli, 2019). Because of the current challenges, HHC stakeholders should not expect challenges that have worked in the past to solve the present problem. This stage will also entail learning, a process where employees will handed data from the external environment to analyze then adjust their thinking and behavior due to that analysis. In turn, this will form part of the diagnosis and identify key actions to be taken to improve the organization's performance.
Secondly, it is critical to foster the desire needed to make the chang...
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