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COVID-19 and Workplace Adjustments

Essay Instructions:

Please follow the instructions! Thank you!

It is a SAMPLE APA paper.

One page – cover page

Second page – body – no more than 250 words

Third page – one reference

NO MORE THAN 3 PAGES this is NOT a 900 words essay. Thank you!

Please read and follow the instructions to complete the APA assignment. This should be an actual paper.  

1. The most effective way to become more familiar with APA formatting is to format. In a new Word Document, format a sample APA paper. Your paper should include three pages: cover page, body, and citation page.   In the body of your paper (page two) correctly format one short quotation, one long quotation, and one summary/ paraphrase applying parenthetical reference and citation according to APA guidelines.    

Please use this article:

COVID-19 Pandemic and Workplace Adjustments/Decentralization: A Focus on Teleworking in the New Normal" by Michael Sunday AGBA

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COVID-19 and Workplace Adjustments

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COVID-19 and Workplace Adjustments

The COVID-19 pandemic adversely affected the working population. Teleworking, also called telecommuting, became a new normal as people had to work from home to avoid interacting with others, thus reducing the chances of contracting the coronavirus. This involved “dismantling of work process/practices to enable workers to perform assigned tasks from home and report to the head office periodically or when the need arises” (Agba et al., 2020, p. 188). Teleworking has since been adopted by various companies worldwide, a 

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