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Corporate Entrepreneurship at Enagas

Essay Instructions:
Write a 2200-word case analysis on entrepreneurship that answers the four main questions, with 10 references. The case, four questions, writing requirements, and theories are all in the file. If you need more details on certain theories or have any questions, please let me know.
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Corporate Entrepreneurship At Enagas Author’s Name The Institutional Affiliation Course Number and Name Instructor Name Assignment Due Date Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs (2014 -2017) PAGEREF _Toc180092003 \h 3Strategies to Select by Company in 2017 PAGEREF _Toc180092004 \h 5Impuesto's Thoughts on How to Approach the Decarbonisation Mandate PAGEREF _Toc180092005 \h 6Structural Modifications PAGEREF _Toc180092006 \h 6Organizational Changes PAGEREF _Toc180092007 \h 7Using New Technologies and Processes PAGEREF _Toc180092008 \h 8Reflection on Learning PAGEREF _Toc180092009 \h 9References PAGEREF _Toc180092010 \h 11 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs (2014 -2017) Between 2014 and 2017, the Spanish natural gas infrastructure company Enagás was on a transformational curve. It transformed itself by adopting an emboldened approach to entrepreneurship and innovation to deal with the changing energy space. Through the leadership of CEO Marcelino Oreja, the company initiated the Enagás Emprende Programme, which was aimed at assembling an environment of innovation and intrapreneurship (Riera & Jenkins, 2024). The approach was part of a more significant effort to decarbonize traditional energy sources. Muhammad et al. (2020) illustrated that the key to these successes has been the strategic use of ambidextrous organizational structures, nurturing an environment supportive of innovation, and empowering intrapreneurship within employees, enabling Enagás to innovate and adapt in a highly regulated sector. Ambidextrous structures at Enagás allowed the company to deal sustainably with its core gas infrastructure activities and pertinent, innovative activities. Its corollary was the creation of independent startups like Vira Gas Imaging and Scale Gas, both operating with the strength of small businesses (Riera & Jenkins, 2024). This strategic divergence allowed these startups to explore new business models and technologies, with the liberation usually tied up in the restraints of the parent company's larger operational framework. It aligns with the 'Ambidextrous Organization' concept that suggests managing established businesses and innovating on others without interfering or taking advantage of the strengths of each environment (Shafique et al., 2022). This structure enabled rapid innovation and ensured core business revenues remained stable, showing how traditional companies can successfully incubate new ideas in their separate but interconnected style. The company's transformation was essentially made up of cultivating a strong culture of innovation, which CEO Marcelino Oreja set about accomplishing, as he stressed the need to change the company's mindset from being conservative and risk-avoidant to more of an entrepreneurial spirit. Oreja encouraged employees to take risks and pursue innovative projects by actively changing the company culture to support innovation (Riera & Jenkins, 2024). As per Johnson and Swedlow (2021), this cultural shift was crucial in helping employees get involved and enabling them to execute new ideas. It also considerably impacted the company's overall innovative capacity by boosting employee engagement and participation in intrapreneurship programs. Fostering a culture of innovation stands as a success story of shaping the culture theory, which states that paying attention to organizational culture is essential to achieving strategic objectives, citing that there is a supportive culture that can support sustainable innovation. The instrument to establish the Enagás Emprende program takes advantage of the internal talent of the employees for innovative projects. Beyond that, it also encouraged intrapreneurial activity by encouraging employees to develop their initiatives and lead and execute the projects. Enagás treated these initiatives as microenterprises inside the more incredible corporate body, to which employees could act as intrapreneurs, thus feeling responsible and committed to their projects (Riera & Jenkins, 2024). It corresponds with the "Intrapreneurship Lifecycle" and "Ecosystem of Micro-enterprises" frameworks that propose that corporate entrepreneurship thrives by allocating the right tools and freedom for employees to conduct their initiatives at the firm (Lago, 2024). The result was the launch and operation of several innovative ventures, in which the promotion of intrapreneurship had proven so successful that it translated into tangible business outcomes and innovation. The significant contribution of Enagás' implementation of ambidextrous organizational structures, promotion of innovation culture, and empowerment of employee intrapreneurship leads towards the successful transformation of Enagásrelied. These experiences and results in Enagás provide essential cues on how other companies can design how innovation processes proceed to promote sustainable growth and suppleness in highly dynamic fields. Strategies to Select by Company in 2017 In 2017, Enagas made a strategic decision about how to decarbonize, and it could determine whether to continue its startup internally, move to definitive innovation projects, or acquire and invest externally. Continuing and expanding the intrapreneurship program is consistent with the company's ongoing strategic and cultural transformation and strongly aligns with this (Riera & Jenkins, 2024). It indicated that in the specialization context of Enagás' operations, the internal startup approach inspired by Enagás Emprende could provide a valuable opportunity for innovation. While there has been no verifiable impact on profit and loss in the near term, the cultural change in the company, away from 'Why innovate?' to 'How can we innovate better?' implies the innovation ecosystem is thriving. Ambidextrous Organization theory supports a case favouring the continued use of intrapreneurship, signifying that companies can manage their core operations and innovation without disadvantage (Shafique et al., 2022). This model also ensures that Enagás can maintain the same momentum in its core business, and the entrepreneurial units continue to explore new possibilities in renewable energies like biogas and hydrogen (Riera & Jenkins, 2024). According to Lago (2024), the Rendanheyi Model focuses on employee empowerment and organization flexibility, creating a framework for Enagás to continue growing and scaling its intrapreneurial efforts. The intrapreneurship model has the best advantage in minimizing external dependencies, which minimizes risks and increases certainty inherent in external acquisitions. However, the central integration of an acquired company or new external technology often requires a series of cultural or operable alignments, which distract attention from core business objectives and weaken company ethos (Pelletier & Raymond, 2024). To maintain coherence and the internal corpora...
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