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Project Mgmt/ Gantt Chart

Essay Instructions:
For assignment details see attached. My wife and I own a 1 acre property and our home is 3 bedrooms 1 bath. The guest bedroom would turn into the babies room while the other bedroom remains my man cave. As a result we need to add onto our home so that we still have at least one guest bedroom. Our current master bedroom would turn into that new guest bedroom. As a result we would be adding to our home to create a new bathroom and new master bedroom suite.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Home Renovation and Expansion Project Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name October 20, 2024 My wife and I are homeowners and have a 1-acre land with a three (3) bedroom one (1) bathroom house. We expect a new baby soon and want to use the guest bedroom as the baby's room, leaving the other room as your personal space. When managing a guest bedroom, we will create a new master bedroom and bath, and the current master bedroom will be turned into a guest room. Renovation work starts on October 20th, and this process involves planning the project, constructing the plan, and going through the planning and final inspection stage. Project Planning There is also a one-week design and planning at the beginning of the project to define the structure and materials for construction. We will then obtain construction permits and zoning consent to eliminate such issues. It is essential to complete this phase quickly to avoid a scheduling issue on the project. Site Preparation Demolition work entails the removal of structures and other obstacles in...
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