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Final Consulting Report: Create A Motivated Workforce

Essay Instructions:

Rewrite The paragraph I gave about motivation, written in two paragraphs. Rubric at the beginning

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Does this summary tell the reader why this topic is relevant to organizational success?
Does it summarize the key highlights of what you studied and provide some definitions for concepts?
Is this summary tailored to this to your report and your study findings (no need to stick to your old literature review? Make it relevant to what the client will be reading in this report)
Employee satisfaction is important on every organization. One of the important factors that can make the employees to feel satisfied with their job is motivation. It is widely known that well motivated employees tend to perform well in their jobs due to job satisfaction. However, many employers still struggle on finding the right approach of motivating their employees. In the observation of the UNH aquatics, we realized there is a lack of motivation as the working environment was passive. In this essay, we will offer the diverse ways through which the employer can create a motivated workforce which will often lead to job satisfaction.
       One of the ways of motivating employees is through compensation. Compensation can be defined as the monetary benefit that employees receive from employers as a result of the services that they render to the company. Studies have shown that compensation is one of the major factors that motivates employees and increases job satisfaction. Salary increase has particularly been ranked as among the top enhancers of job motivation. In our case study of UNH Aquatics, most of the employees confessed of being paid well. They also reported that a good salary would compels employees to work harder on realizing that their efforts are not only appreciated, but are also rewarded.
Supervisory support can also be a significant source of motivation and hence job satisfaction. In fact, the support is one of the essential factors for job retention. Employees with supervisors who readily and adequately provide them with the needed support will feel appreciated, cared for, as well as listened to, and are thus willing to give their best contribution to their jobs. Some studies have established that although talented employees join organizations for different reasons, their retention and productivity highly depends on their relationship with the immediate supervisors (Neog, Barua). Additionally, other studies have reported that friendly management-staff re...
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