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Main Uses of Artifacts: Ram Horns and Tutankhamun's Mask

Essay Instructions:

fter reviewing the requirements for Project 1 and Project 2, propose two or three artifacts that you are considering using as a basis for your projects.

Consider the following questions before stating your selections. You do not need to answer all of these questions, but they may guide you in choosing potential artifacts and providing a rationale for your choices.
In your thinking about the disciplines of the humanities (visual arts, literature, philosophy, and the performing arts), is there are piece of art, music, architecture, or literature that you would be interested in learning more about?
Is there an object associated with one of the cultures you belong to that is particularly meaningful to you?Is the artifact created or worked on by a human being? (If you answered no, it is not an artifact.)
Does it have a primarily functional or practical purpose? (If you answered yes, it is not an artifact.)
Does it embody the creative expression of ideas? (If you answered yes, it is an artifact. If you answered no, it is not an artifact.)
Identify two to three artifacts you are interested in studying for Project 1. In two to three sentences, provide a rationale for choosing the artifacts as potential options for your project.

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Artifacts are considered to be objects indicating human workmanship made from natural objects. Historical evidence claim that human development left behind artifacts by which living people study in their daily life (Ancient Artifact, 2019). There are many examples of artifacts such as ram horns and golden Egyptian artifacts. Ram horns are important pieces of artifact because, unlike other artificial object which are used to carry handy tasks, ram horns are made to be blown in particular cultural activities and religious purposes. Egyptians own many artifacts such as narmer palette and Tutankhamun’s Mask. Tutankhamun’s Mask is among the most famous artifact used in the history of Egyptians. It was recognized as the death mask of pharaoh.
Different communities use Ram horns to create different artifacts. In Israel, an idea was invented by Rosh Hashna, who worked in an inmate camp where metal ornaments were made. His idea of modifying the horn into a shofar was promoted. Shofar was blown for religious and cultural purposes (Yad, V 2019). Isra...
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