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Conflict Identification and Resolution

Essay Instructions:

We live in a very complex and culturally diverse society. When we bring individuals together from diverse backgrounds in a work environment conflict can arise when expectations are not realized or met. Rather than hoping conflict will go away, this paper will explore and identify the reasons for conflict and how to successfully address them in a team environment.

Write a four- to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) assessing the components of conflict. The following need to be addressed within your paper:

1. Describe a conflict within an organization or team with which you are familiar. Identify and describe the source(s) and level of the conflict and support with evidence.

2. Describe the steps taken to resolve the conflict or, if it is an ongoing conflict, propose steps to resolve the conflict.

3. Describe a minimum of three conflict outcomes that could reasonably occur as a result of the conflict resolution. Support your reasoning for each possible outcome.

4. Your paper must use a minimum of three scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Conflict Identification and Resolution
Student Name
Conflict Identification and Resolution
Every workplace is vulnerable to conflict, which occurs when individuals or groups disagree. A healthy organization has people with divergent knowledge, opinions, values, cultures, and characters. Such differences create points of parity and disparity. The disparity results in conflicts. This means that when more than two people work together, they will likely disagree on strategies for achieving desired outcomes. Such disagreements can be highly undesirable because they deter the performance quality by creating a filthy working environment. The negative consequences of conflict call for effective management strategies. 
Conflict within an Organization
Workplace conflict occurs at every organizational level. Its inevitability suggests that corporate leaders must embrace the conflict and devise appropriate conflict resolution methods. If not handled rightfully, conflict can affect the perception and reputation of a company regardless of its nature. In my experience as an employee, I have witnessed numerous conflict examples. 
One particular conflict within an organization I am familiar with is an interpersonal conflict between two individuals in a company. The conflict occurred between Michael and Peter, who are working for a construction company. Michael loves his job very much. He is industrious and always punctual at work. Peter, his co-worker, regularly comes late to work and looks for excuses to do minimum work. The two employees work on one project and report to the same supervisor. The firm has a policy that workers who report late must see their supervisor before commencing work. 
One day, Peter came to work late by almost half an hour. Out of concern, Michael reminded him about the policy, insisting that Peter meet the supervisor. Peter ignored Michael's advice, claiming their supervisor would never know about his lateness unless Michael told him. A few days later, Peter continued to appear late for work unbothered. Upset with his colleague's behavior, Michael decided not to confront or talk to him. This conflict affected their work relationship and performance. 
Source(s) and Level of the Conflict
The source of this conflict is poor time management. According to Stepanovaet al. (2020), a worker who cannot manage their time can create conflict in the workplace because they inconvenience their co-workers by putting them under pressure to do more work. This results in the dissatisfaction of individuals working together on a particular project. Missed deadlines, stressed relationships, personality clashes, and workload increase are all effects of poor-time management skills (Stepanovaet al., 2020). 
Peter's inability to manage his time well would be the reason for his constant lateness at work, resulting in personality clashes with his co-worker. Evidently, Michael was never happy about Peter's actions, which slowed down the project because both employees worked on a similar project and reported to the same supervisor.
Another cause of this conflict is contrasting views on workplace policy. Whereas Michael believes in strict compliance with organizational rules, Peter holds the view that the policies are applicable under close supervision. The level of conflict here is interpersonal conflict. As noted, an interpersonal conflict is a conflict between two people that arise due to contrasting beliefs, opinions, ethics, and values (Bridgepoint Education, 2017). This conflict compromises the employee's ability to achieve their objectives. Resolving it requires strong interpersonal skills, which actors apply when communicating and interacting with each other.&nbs...
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