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Concept of Project Quality Management

Essay Instructions:

Weaknesses in managing quality is often a key reason for failure of many projects and organisations not realising intended benefits. Rapidly changing business and technology environments compound the complexities in successfully implementing projects. Based on your research, this assignment asks you to explore challenges in project quality management and makeappropriate recommendations which organisations may adopt to accomplish successful project outcomes. Your report need not be based on any particular project management methodology.

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Project Management in Business

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Project Management in Business

Part 1: Executive Summary 

Business project management involves the management of internal business projects implemented to progress an organization's objectives and goals. Project management offers structure and control of the project environment to ensure anticipated activities produce the intended products and services. The process consists of a one-time project or a constant activity. This paper offers a deep description of the concept of project quality management, including its components and benefits. Besides, the article provides insights into the benefits of using quality management in helping achieve project outcomes. Quality management is associated with notable challenges that this paper addresses. The cost of the quality model plays a significant role in improving quality management through diverse ways like improved decision-making, enhanced communication, and improved efficiency. The paper also reflects on different recommendations that can help foster the effectiveness of quality management in projects. 

Part 2: Introduction

A project is a sequence of tasks that should be finalized to attain a given result. Normally, projects can vary in how they are being implemented. Examples of projects include traditional, agile, remote, and agency projects. Projects come with various characteristics, such as a clear beginning and end date, creating something new, and they have boundaries. However, projects have failed to deliver their anticipated results to customers for several years. Lack of implementation of a management process is one of the key factors, whereas other reasons, such as budget overrun and poor performance, join the list. Kavalamthara (n.d) pinpointed that 65% of software and hardware projects fail, 50% of all IT projects fail, 75% of software projects fail, and only 2.5% of international businesses realize 100% success. According to the Project Management Institute (2010), the delivery of business outcomes is achieved by the triumph of projects, and thus, project management techniques determine an organization's success. Having project management as the key competency assist organization to remain competitive during the recession period. 

Part 3: Body

* The Concept of Project Quality Management 

Project management involves organizing and planning a corporation's resources to move a 

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