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Enhancing Virtual Intern Collaboration and Efficiency at BlueTech Solutions

Essay Instructions:

Your draft should build on your proposal - either your original or the new one if you changed course. Make sure you read carefully and don't leave any key elements out of your story that we, the readers, need in order to understand what you're doing/have done. Make sure your draft includes both a DVF/R and Force Field analysis.

1. Brief description of the Problem, Project or Challenge

2. Why it is important; your role and level of authority to initiate or implement change (did you need to obtain permission from a supervisor? How did that go?)

3. Background and Context (brief description of the organization and work group)

4. Your Change Action Plan and why (include both a DVF>R analysis as well as a force-field analysis)

The above sections should already be complete from your proposal.

This draft should add the following:

1. Description of Implementation – what have you done so far?

2. Outcomes - What has happened so far? Have you able to implement any action steps? Why or why not? If you are not far enough along to have achieved outcomes remind us of what you expect to achieve.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Enhancing Virtual Intern Collaboration and Efficiency at BlueTech Solutions

Your Name

Subject and Section

Professor’s Name


Problem, Project, or Challenge

The shift to a Virtual Internship Program at BlueTech Solutions has surfaced significant intern collaboration and engagement challenges. These issues have led to a notable decrease in overall efficiency and negatively impacted the quality of the interns' learning experiences. This situation is not unique to BlueTech Solutions; it reflects a broader trend identified in the research of Duarte and Snyder (2006), who observed similar challenges in various virtual work environments. These researchers underscored the necessity for strategic interventions to address the unique complexities of virtual collaboration and productivity. This revelation highlights a critical gap in the virtual working model that BlueTech Solutions, and indeed many modern organizations, must urgently address to ensure the success of their remote internship programs.

Importance of Change

Similar to any successful organizations, it is imperative to improve collaboration in virtual settings: it enhances intern productivity and enriches their overall learning experience. Though lacking in formal decision-making power, my position as an intern at BlueTech Solutions has been instrumental in bringing these issues to light. My role exemplifies the bottom-up approach to organizational change,

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