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Compose a Problem Statement Management Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

* Instructions will be uploaded as an additional file as well as the resources.

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Compose a Problem Statement


Begin by locating several peer-reviewed articles from the past 5 years that support the problem you wish to address in your dissertation. These articles may be ones previously gathered for your annotated bibliography (will be attached) assignment or additional resources you select after receiving feedback on your topic from your course mentor.

For this assignment, create a problem statement. Your problem must come from a critical issue that must be addressed, otherwise negative consequences will occur or continue.  In most cases, scholarly citations within the past 5 years are required to support the problem you will investigate.

Articulate a concise problem statement. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to document the existence of a problem worthy of doctoral level research.  Follow these steps:

  1. Present the general issue grounded in the research literature that leads to the need for the study.
  2. Clearly describe and document the problem prompting the study. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to document the existence of a problem worthy of PhD doctoral-level research.  Be sure to consider the following:  What perspective is represented? For example, is the problem an individual level problem, an organizational problem, an industry problem, or a social problem?
  3. Consider the theories relevant to predict, explain, and understand the problem.
  4. To identify and articulate a problem, consider the potential negative consequences to the field or stakeholders if the proposed research is never conducted.

Support your assignment with at least six scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 1-2 pages, not including title and reference pages

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Problem Statement
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Problem Statement
Topic Description
IoT refers to a set of technologies for accessing data collected using various devices through wireless and wired internet networks. While different sources define the technologies differently, the common explanation is its potential to provide valuable information using different user devices that utilize wireless and internet networks (González-Zamar, Abad-Segura, Vázquez-Cano, & López-Meneses, 2020). The adoption of IoT began a long time ago in smart cities and as of 2017, its adoption increased by about 39% compared to 2015 (Park, Pobil, & Kwon, 2018). Its adoption is mainly associated with improving the quality of life in the cities (Cvar, Trilar, Kos, Volk, & Duh, 2020). A survey on smart city use of IoT has indicate various uses of the technology in improving the quality of life. Smart city use connected to public transport is the most preferred use of IoT around the world with a 74% implementation rate. For example, Skanetrafiken, the public transport body in Malmo, Sweden installed the system to connect the public bus transport system (IoT Analytics, 2020). Another smart city use for IOT is in traffic monitoring and management, which 72% of the cities use the technology to monitor traffic and ensure that it flows efficiently (IoT Analytics, 2020). For example, in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark constructed 380 intelligent traffic lights that helped reduce congestion in the streets by prioritizing bikes and buses. In Geneva, IoT hels develop high-speed network and smart grid to aid in energy management (Talari, Shafie-khah, Siano, Loia, Tommasetti, & Catalão, 2017). The graph below shows the top 10 smart city use cases of IoT.
While IoT has been effective at improving the city efficiency, there still exists several challenges that the city dwellers face. Water is a scarce commodity in most cities around the worl...
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