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What Is The Differences Between Salaried And Hourly Employees?

Essay Instructions:

This is compensation management class, there have 4 articles, for each article that shows in the documents, you have to write the introduction to each article, in the second paragraph you need to talk about how it affects (how and who) to stakeholders, finally paragraph is the conclusion, that should include our own opinion, each article should be one page, the resources our teacher didn't require, if its need, please use as much as you think. the skills of writing, please write like a university student, thank you so much!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Compensation Management Part 2
What is the Differences between Salaried and Hourly Employees?
Jean Murray in his article What’s the Difference Between Salaried and Hourly Employees published January 27 2017, is indeed clear in his reminder of the importance of understanding the difference between salaried and hourly employees. To many people, these concepts may not make any sense but CITATION Mur17 \l 1033 (Murray) is quick to point out that people especially those thinking of or are already running their businesses ought to understand how to pay their employees. It is indeed essential to understand which system with works best for one organization. Murray (2016) is indeed thorough and even includes a section showing his audience how salaries for both salaried and hourly employees is calculated. Additionally, he also includes a section which focuses solely on overtime and goes ahead to show which employees are eligible for overtime and which ones are not.
This article is directed at employers and managers who do not know or understand the categories of employees. CITATION Mur17 \l 1033 (Murray) clearly notes that employees are divided based on the work they do as well as how they are paid. As a manager, it is indeed essential to understand these concepts to better handle your employees and to know which mechanism will serve you better. Aside from managers, the other stakeholders are the workers. As an employee, it is indeed essential to know where you belong or which category of employee you are. It is also essential to understand concepts such as overtime. Information is always important and as an employee, it would indeed be essential to be aware of what you are entitled.
In my opinion, this article is relevant and Murray does help to bring out the importance of grasping the difference between salaried and hourly employees. These concepts are indeed often ignored but Murray does help to reinforce their importance to both organizations and employees. For organizations, the relevance lies in knowing which method is the best fit. However, for employees, it lies in knowing where one belongs as well as knowing when one’s rights are being expunged.
Overtime and the salaried employee in Ontario: a disaster waiting to happen.
In the article Overtime and the salaried employee in Ontario: a disaster waiting to happen by McMillan written in 2010, the repercussions of uncompensated overtime pay is clearly discussed. The author is keen to show how some employers particularly in Canada have been exploiting their employees. He notes that while one in every five Canadian employees work overtime, only half are compensated for the work done. CITATION McM10 \l 1033 (McMillan) decorates his article with statistics regarding the repercussions of the actions of a few employers. He notes that if the math is done, employees are the losers and on a yearly basis, they are denied access to $22.5 billion of their rightfully earned cash CITATION McM10 \l 1033 (McMillan). McMillan also uses some real-life examples which aim to showcase instances when employees decide to seek for what they believe to be rightfully theirs.
The main stakeholders in this article are employees and their employers. To the employees, this article should be used as an eye-opener because it shows them they can indeed claim for what is theirs. It also shows them that they do have a way out of some of the mischievous methods often employed by employers to deny them what is rightfully theirs. Additionally, employers are also stakeholders here and to them this article is more of a warning than an informative piece. It shows them that employees also have limits and when pushed to their extreme they can indeed retaliate.
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