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Importance Of Developing Plans To Achieve Organizational Goals

Essay Instructions:

We have two choices, first to do a 900 to 1200 page essay, or a PowerPoint. I put them both down and will let you choose.
Option #1: Setting and Achieving Goals Paper
Setting and achieving organizational goals is a critical skill of an effective leader. Successful achievement of such goals depends on a carefully designed plan.
· Write a 900 to 1200-word essay on the importance of developing plans to achieve organizational goals.
· Use the grammatical third person (i.e. without using “I” or “we”)
· Address the following:
o Two types of planning that organizations use to assist in the achievement of goals
o When each planning type is most appropriate to use
· Incorporate references from at least two credible sources outside of this week's readings to support your work. These sources should be peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your sources
Refer to the handouts and templates you used (links below) to develop an effective and well-formatted paper. Be sure your paper conforms with the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.
Review the Module 4 Critical Thinking Rubric for full details on how you will be graded on this assignment.
Option #2: Setting and Achieving Goals Presentation
You are employed as a manager of global accounts for a multinational pharmaceutical organization. Your organization works primarily within the United States, Canada and Europe. Your supervisor suggested expanding sales to Central America and asked you to prepare a presentation that outlines two planning models including the appropriate time and setting for each plan.
Prepare a multimedia presentation (PowerPoint or slide share presentation). Your presentation should include the following:
· Name and discuss two types of goal planning and when to use them
· A minimum of two plans that the sales department could use to expand sales
· Justification for the use of each plan in light of the existing and future organizational design
· A minimum of 6-8 slides, including detailed speaker notes. In addition, include a title page and reference slide
Be sure your presentation slides, title and reference page, as well as the speaker.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Setting and Achieving Goals
Setting and Achieving Goals
Business planning is often talked about in numerous forums, and its importance is unquestionable. The obvious take here would be that organizations need to, therefore, engage and invest in serious business planning. However, one would be astonished to realize that only a few organizations have proper and sound business planning processes. The importance of planning is indeed self-evident, but there is still much that businesses need to do for them to be legitimately considered serious in their planning processes. Developing goals is always encouraged even at a personal level, but few take the planning process seriously which always undermines everything. Setting goals alone is not enough but one ought to come up with clear and precise ways to help them pursue their objectives. The achievement of goals is greatly dependent on the planning, and this article will seek to elucidate on the importance of developing plans to achieve organizational goals.
Importance of developing plans to achieve organizational goals.
Planning is indeed vital and below are some reasons to show why:
- Ensures resources are used efficiently - everything an organization does including the decisions that are made, is all dependent on the information at hand. Currently, information is considered as one of the most important assets in organizations, and the planning process helps to provide the management with the appropriate information to make certain decisions. Important information including how to allocate resources is also provided, and this helps to enhance productivity. Additionally, organizations can identify resources with higher and lower chances of success and thus allocate resources adequately.
- Helps in the management of risks and uncertainty - the economic or business environment is always unpredictable, and organizations can never be fully prepared for the uncertainties that lie ahead. However, planning helps organizations to develop what-if scenarios which help in speculating or envisioning possible outcomes. The above is essential in that it helps organizations are better prepared to deal with uncertainties and risks which help them to adjust quickly to the changing conditions.
- Gifts an organization competitive advantage - every organization desires to be ahead of the rest. However, since it would be unethical to use spies in business, organizations are forced to improve themselves by learning about themselves and improving on their weaknesses. Planning is essential in the achievement of organizational goals because it makes it possible for an organization to learn about its strengths and weaknesses. Improving, therefore, becomes inevitable because an organization understands itself better and knows where to tweak to get certain results.
- Promotes or helps in team building - team building is indeed vital if an organization is to achieve its goals. Team building breeds cooperation and cohesiveness within the workplace. Cohesion and drive towards the same goals is indeed essential and will help an organization achieve its goals faster. Planning helps to promote team building by making sure that responsibilities for every person and group are clearly stated. Therefore, every employee understands their role in the achievement of organizational goals.
Types of planning organizations use to assist in the achievement of goals
There are different types of p...
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