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Change Theory Models and Intersecting HR Programming

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Change Theory Models and Intersecting HR Programming
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Change Theory Models and Intersecting HR Programming
Kurt Lewin is one of the most celebrated scholars of organizational business and social psychologist who came up with The force-field analysis model which is a general-purpose technique for fault finding or diagnostic that is used in most companies today CITATION Hol16 \l 1033 (Hollingshead, 2016). His model states that in all domains of an organization, there exist two types of forces that organization so that it can remain stable. Restraining forces restrict the organization from change while driving forces cause the organization to undergo some changes. When the two forces counteract, the one with high magnitude and more influence on the goodwill of the organization will be chosen by the managers and will take the day CITATION Bur17 \l 1033 (Burnes, 2017). If the forces are equal, then the organization is in a state that is referred to as quasi-stationary equilibrium and it the state where no change is happening.
Apart from describing the forces that act on an organization, Lewin’s also developed a clear way that should be followed when undertaking the change in an organization. Three Phases of Change is a concise and definite to be followed by the transitioning organization with the implementation by the managers. Its three steps include, unfreezing which is the commencement and the preparation of an organization for the change, Movement is the actual transition and Refreezing is the cementing of the new changes in the organization.
Absenteeism of workers is one of the worst nightmares that an organization can encounter CITATION Bur13 \l 1033 (Bernard & Cooke., 2013). For an organization to make full use of its human labor, absentee rate must be low if not none. Using the Lewin’s both methods to analyze the forces that influence absenteeism becomes easy as one can easily tell if the force is restraining force or a driving force and using a clear path of unfreezing, movement and refreezing to get final desired results. These forces that influence Absenteeism in an organization are.
Time wastagecostIncentivesmotivationWorking conditionWorkers relationsGood cultureRights ViolationRate of Absenteeism
Motivation of the workers. This is one of the reasons that may cause a lot of workers to be absent. Every worker needs to be motivated and kept motivated by their bosses so that the eager and zeal to do the work assigned to him/her does not to reduce. If the employees are well motivated, it will have a positive impact on the rate of absenteeism and will reduce to an acceptable level.
Incentives. Rewarding and giving bonuses to the most consistent workers and penalizing the worst performing in terms of attendance. This will help in motivating the workers to report to work consistently. It will have an impact on the rate of absenteeism as it will reduce it to minimal levels.
Good working condition. The condition in which the workers...
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