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Challenges Faced by Historically Underrepresented Groups and How to Address Them

Essay Instructions:

Option #1: Addressing a Diversity Conflict Paper

As a leader in your organization, you know your people, and they know you. The employees see you as trustworthy. You are always encouraging employees to grow and excel to the best of their abilities. This understanding has allowed you to influence team members to continue doing what is needed and to change behaviors and attitudes that hold back the success of the team and organization. In your organization, you are beginning to encounter a pervasive belief that diversity and excellence are somehow in conflict.

(My Organization: The Spruill Company is a family-owned company located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. This location was chosen as it is an up-and-coming area in North Carolina that has potential for business and economic growth. While the founder, Katisha Spruill is originally from North Carolina it was important to have the business headquartered in North Carolina.

The purpose of The Spruill Company is to serve as a resource to entrepreneurs and business owners by providing start-up services, accounting and tax services, legal formation, and even financial support. By way of assessment The Spruill Company reviews applications submitted by entrepreneurs and business owners to determine which businesses are best suited for The Spruill Company to partner with. Having obtained a reputation in the business community The Spruill Company is a respected business known to deliver on its promise. It is the reputation that drives business and is allowing it to thrive even with minimal marketing.

The role I have within the organization is the founder and President. While there are many motivations I have for the creation of The Spruill Company, one stands out, the desire to create a meaningful business that provides services to entrepreneurs and business owners. One could say there are plenty of businesses that do this, and that is true, however, there is only one The Spruill Company. We are a business founded to keep businesses functioning as optimal as possible and assisting new entrepreneurs in creating and developing new business. )

Answer the following questions:

In your experience, what are the challenges faced by members of historically underrepresented groups in your organization?

What strategies have you used to address these challenges, and how successful were those strategies?

How do you conceptualize the relationship between diversity and excellence?

What kinds of leadership efforts would you undertake to encourage a commitment to excellence through diversity?

Explain the importance of a global perspective and an integrated approach to diversity and inclusion to your employees.

Submission Requirements:

Your submission should be 4-6 pages in length (not including title or reference pages) and be formatted according to the CSU Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.).

Be sure to discuss and reference concepts taken from the course reading material and relevant research.

You must include a minimum of 6 credible, academic, or professional references beyond the text or other course materials (at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed from the CSU Global Library).

You may wish to review the Template Paper (Links to an external site.) for help formatting your essay according to the requirements.

If you need assistance with your writing style or you need writing tips or tutorials, visit the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

[References: Add APA citations for any articles or videos in the assignment.]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Addressing a Diversity Conflict Paper
Student’s Name
Department, University
Course Number: Course Name
Due Date
Addressing a Diversity Conflict Paper
The Spruill Company intends to promote a culture of diversity and inclusivity. Although it is important to create greater room for historically underrepresented populations, the company risks raising concerns about identity over the commitment to excellence, as well as hiring the best workers regardless of gender identity, skin color, or other characteristics attributed to past marginalization. These issues are particularly important in consulting services, where anything less than excellence could result in corporate failure or a threat to business sustainability. This paper addresses the challenges faced by historically underrepresented groups in the organization, the strategies employed to address these issues and their success, my conceptualization of the link between diversity and excellence, leadership efforts to enhance commitment to excellence via diversity, and the value of global perspective and integrated approach to diversity and inclusivity at the workplace.
Challenges Faced by Historically Underrepresented Groups
Historically underrepresented is a term used to describe groups that have suffered institutional discrimination regarding the ability to access vital resources, including employment. To analyze The Spruill Company, I would consider my experiences with women, indigenous people, and African-Americans at the workplace. Women constantly face the “broken rug” at the initial stage up to managerial positions. In addition, women of color feel unsafe in the workplace as they must continuously prove that they have all the required credentials and work experience (LeanIn.Org and McKinsey & Company, 2021). The main challenges facing African-Americans at the workplace include being under-valued, disrespected, and not appreciated compared to their white counterparts. Overall, Black employees faced difficulties expressing their habits and traditions because the company did not recognize them (Hancock et al., 2021). The indigenous populations felt that their values and desires were not taken into account in running the company. The human resource managers showed little willingness to learn from or listen to the native employees but rather had negative expectations. The native workers’ confidence declined as they internalized others’ negative expectations, which made them reduce their efforts in performing their duties.
Strategies to Address the Challenges and Success
I have employed various strategies to address the challenges mentioned earlier successfully. First, I used the “do no harm” strategy. In this approach, I prioritized reducing possible psychological harm, injury, or damage to workers due to implicit bias. I held myself accountable for recognizing prejudice, including how it could manifest in my roles as the founder and president of The Spruill Company. It was a successful strategy as the company managed to hire and retain minoritized communities, women, and Blacks by making a bias-free workplace a reality. Second, I ensure the company hired based on the value that the worker could potentially bring. Historically underrepresented employees’ identities generated value by increasing the company’s diversity of ideas and perspectives. It was an effective strategy as it enhanced diversity and inclusivity and thus covered various blind spots. In this way, I recognized that individuals’ lived experiences are shaped by how they identify and bring their intelligence level. Lastly, I created an inclusive environment for all workers irrespective of their culture, race, gender, religion, and any other characteristic that could influence diversity in the workplace (Tardy, 2020). It was a successful strategy as it created psychological safety for the historically underrepresented populations.
The Link Between Diversity and Excellence
The relationship between diversity and excellence can be conceptualized via their capacity to encourage knowledge acquisition, personal growth, providing better solutions, and a source of competitive advantage. Any time employees interact with someone different from them is an opportunity to learn. Diversity contributes to excellence as conversations with someone who does not sound likely or share similar beliefs implies that an individual walks away with a different experience and perspective that can be applied in another situation. As...
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