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Case Study 1. Identification of the issue. Management Essay.

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Case 1
As the result of its merger, the public-sector organization underwent different changes, and it looks like the previous CEO did not take a keen interest in resolving issues and engaging key stakeholders (Takemura, 2014). He had not even invested any time in designing a comprehensive team. As the new CEO, I have found that almost all issues of this organization can be resolved through the decision-making process (Samuelson & Marks, 2015).
1. Identification of the issue
First of all, it is important to identify the issue; I have found that the previous CEO’s lack of interest and the company’s weak business model and strategies have contributed to its failure (Akçam, 2017). After the merger, it was mandatory to plan and organize things as soon as possible, as well as engage new customers and stakeholders in one way or the other. Plus, duplication of efforts, conflicts between senior leaders and lack of authoritative vision brought the company to a stage where it lost its reputation (Takemura, 2014).
2. Understanding everyone’s interest
Interests are the needs that we must satisfy to bring our company to the next level. In case of this public-sector organization, the interests of employees, customers and stakeholders should be taken care of. I would listen to everyone carefully, put my differences aside for some time and understand everyone’s problems (Samuelson & Marks, 2015).
3. Listing the possible solutions
Once I have listened to everyone and communicated with the entire team, I would like to write down the possible solutions on a piece of paper. For this purpose, I would definitely brainstorm and learn from the experience of the previous CEO (Samuelson & Marks, 2015).
4. Evaluating the options/solutions
Before implementing any strategy, it is important to evaluate all the solutions/options to be assured of their effectiveness. I will surely determine whether the current solutions are up-to-the-mark or not (Akçam, 2017).
5. Selecting the right kind of solutions or options
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