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Assignment 1. The Primary Focus of Marketing-Level Strategies

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The Primary Focus of Marketing-Level Strategies

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Assignment 1
The Primary Focus of Marketing-Level Strategies
Marketing-level strategies are the long-standing, progressive methods of planning whose major objective is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage (Tollin & Christensen, 2017). The primary focus of marketing-level strategies is to evaluate the business's strategic original state before the design, assessment and choice of market-oriented competitive position. This position contributes to the firm's objectives. Marketing-level strategies pinpoints the functions of marketing as a connection between the institution and its clients.
The Critical Issues they Focus on
Tollin and Christensen (2017) assert that marketing-level strategies focus on three critical issues that question where the firm is currently (Situation analysis). Then where the company is going and the type of business it should engage in (Vision and mission), and how the firm will get there (Strategies and goals). An example of a firm focusing on critical issues would be having strategic planners with high expertise in both research and evaluation to help them deal with these critical issues.
Another critical issue can be knowing how the company would tell the time they get there (Strategies and goals). Several marketing businesses use various marketing metrics to trail the strategic performance because of the increasing requirement for accountability. The marketing metrics help the firms to do corrective when necessary.
To come up with competitive strategy requires that specialists use substantial decision-making and they should understand the company's present situation severely. The experts should also know the corporation's previous history and its operating atmosphere. There are no heuristics that the world has established to help the strategists to select the best strategic course of action. However, some scientists have classified some comprehensive sets of strategic methods, which specialists might use as extensive frameworks for thinking about the appropriate decisions.
Strategic evaluation helps to tell where the firm is presently. According to Loebbecke and Picot (2015), the old market research is not suitable for strategic marketing as it does not allow the person analyzing to seek the insights about fondness and assertiveness of clients. Instead the analysts look for the insights that concern the company's operating atmosphere in order to find out the likely future situations, opportunities, and threats.
Strategic planning concentrates on the Client, Company and Rivals. To formulate strategies successfully, it is important to analyze the three components. The rivals’ analysis means looking at the strengths and threats of the corporation compared to close competitors, and how they might affect the capability of the firm to move in particular directions. The clients’ analysis means looking at any likely deviations in the preferences of consumers that might bring new business opportunities. The Company’s analysis means looking at the corporation's internal abilities and how ready it is to control the market-based opportunities or how vulnerable it is to external threats. 
On one hand, the vision and mission offer the outline. On the other hand, the goals describe targets found in the mission that if companies realize them, then the institution should move towards the performance of that mission. While the goals are extensive key results, the objectives are quantifiable steps that a firm takes to realize that goal or strategy. Therefore, in strategic planning, it is essential for leaders to turn the whole strategy into business goals and objectives. Companies design goals to encourage certain activities and concentrate on particular outcomes that they want. On the other hand, firms use objectives to measure their performance on particular dimensions, hence, giving the institution the feedback on whether it is attaining its goals and strategies or not.
The Components of Sustainable Competitive Advantage at the Corporate Level
The components of sustainable competitive advantage at the corporate level are the valuable resources, which are not common, non-interchangeable, and imperfectly imitable. Example of a valuable resource would be how a firm makes its clients to believe in its slogan. These possessions are the corporation’s assets, capabilities, or qualities that are not simple to duplicate and offer a promising or superior lasting position over the firm’s rivals.
The Characteristics of Strategic Business Units
Strategic business units (SBUs) are the distinct subsystems in a corporation that act as autonomo...
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