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Budget Creation

Essay Instructions:
Leaders prepare budgets for their departments or for the entire organization. Even department heads should be familiar with the components of the overall organizational budget. In this assignment, you will select an organization and prepare a revenue and cost statement budget for a 3-month period, with a 1- to 2-page written analysis. You will continue working with this organization’s budget in Module 5, where you will prepare an audiovisual presentation of your budget analysis. Step 1 Referring to Chapter 1 of the Bettner (2018) text, identify the categories of costs that must be budgeted in your company/organization for the sales and income statement budgets. Find publicly available budgets or pro forma financial statements for your organization or a similar organization. Step 2 Using the Budget Template 1, a free online budget spreadsheet, or your own budget spreadsheet, prepare the sales and income statement budgets for your organization/company. Include all relevant categories and make reasonable assumptions for budget line items. Step 3 In a 1- to 2-page paper, analyze your budget, describing: the sales budget components, the income statement budget components, your thoughts on budgeting for contingencies (optimistic, realistic, and catastrophic), and your assumptions. Use APA-formatted in-text citations to support your analysis. Step 4 Copy and paste the spreadsheet as an appendix to your analysis.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s name Date Part 1 Bettner (2018) said that the development includes the following costs that must be budgeted to support the creation of sales and income statement budgets. Such categories consist of direct costs, including wages and other emergent employee costs, which are somewhat linked to the organization's activities, and indirect costs, such as administrative expenses, power, and maintenance. According to the book, these cost elements must be understood to prepare robust financial forecasts and design sound budgets that reflect organizational objectives. Part 2 Table 1. 3-Month Sales and Income Statement Budget Category July August September Total State and Local Per-Pupil Revenue $12,230,123 $12,230,123 $12,230,123 $36,690,369 Federal, State, and Local Grants $1,235,698 $1,235,698 $1,235,698 $3,707,094 Special Education Revenue $1,334,650 $1,334,650 $1,334,650 $4,003,950 Total Revenue $14,800,471 $14,800,471 $14,800,471 $44,401,413 Expenses Program Services $12,454,173 $12,454,173 $12,454,173 $37,362,519 General and Administrative $1,713,321 $1,713,321 $1,713,321 $5,139,963 Fundraising $1,583 $1,583 $1,583 $4,749 Total Expenses $14,169,077 $14,169,077 $14,169,077 $42,507,231 Net Surplus (Deficit) $631,394 $631,394 $631,394 $1,894,182 Part 3: Budget Analysis for Achievement First Brooklyn Charter Schools Introduction This pap...
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